A Google Holiday Update Or Data Refresh
Google Data Refresh – Rankings Fluctuations Before Christmas by Ben Pfeiffer at the Search Engine Roundtable notes a very possible Google update is taking place. He references a WebmasterWorld thread that is currently three pages deep. Most in the thread believe that this is a true update and based on some of the comments at […]
Barry Schwartz on December 22, 2006 at 9:12 am | Reading time: 1 minute
Google Data Refresh – Rankings Fluctuations Before Christmas by Ben Pfeiffer at the Search Engine Roundtable notes a very possible Google update is taking place. He references a WebmasterWorld thread that is currently three pages deep. Most in the thread believe that this is a true update and based on some of the comments at the Search Engine Roundtable post, really respected SEOs are claiming this to be the real deal. But without confirmation from Google, we won’t know for sure. Is this a good time for an update? I suspect most people by now have finished buying online, so hopefully any major shifts in Google now, won’t make a direct impact on their holiday season revenues and sales.
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