Google recently updated its documentation to say they “run different auctions for each ad location” and “across ad locations your ads can show more than once.”
Google sent us a statement explaining that they wanted to clarify the documentation based on how Google Ads has worked over “many years” and that this “may not be widely known” and thus, wanted to make it crystal clear.
Well, Google has been mixing ads within the free organic results for the past year or so, and I still don’t like it. But I guess it makes sense for each location to have its own ad auction and, yes, Google should clarify that.
But the second part, about Google double serving ads, which Google confirmed they are experimenting with, Google did not say this experiment is done and it is live. However, the updated documentation says this can happen but didn’t call it an experiment.
My issue with all of this is that the documentation on Google’s website should match what is happening on the ground. If double serving and mixing ads in organic results is all OK, then update the docs when they become OK, not months later.
Barry Schwartz,
Google help document tracker