Good morning, Marketers, or should I say: Good morning, friend!
Yes, friend. The best writing tip I could ever share with you is brain-dead simple: write like you’re talking to a friend. What’s great is this tip can apply to all channels of digital marketing, whether you’re writing for SEO, PPC, content marketing, social media or email marketing. Never lose sight of your target audience — your friend.
Talk to your target audience or customer in the language they use and make it clear why what you’re telling them is something they should care about — whether that’s with your title tag or call-to-action. Use simple, impactful words. Use short sentences or phrases. Minimize jargon and big words. Answer the “why do I care?” — not from your perspective, but from your friend’s viewpoint. Be useful. Be helpful. Always.
Your audience is made up of lots of individuals, so avoid talking to large groups (e.g., generations or personas) like they are homogenous blobs. When you write, only one person is reading it. That’s why, when I write, I’m only talking to you. Because you are the only one that matters right now. And as your friend, I want to share some great news stories that you need to know about. So let’s get to it!
Danny Goodwin,
Senior Editor