Google Patches Serious Gmail Contacts Bug
Via Threadwatch, Engadget’s summary of a serious bug in Google’s Gmail, where web sites can retrieve your Gmail contact list, through a JavaScript loophole, has now been fixed. The bug allowed web sites to pull your Google contact list, if you were still logged into your Google account and had JavaScript enabled (which is most […]
Barry Schwartz on January 2, 2007 at 9:27 am | Reading time: 1 minute
Via Threadwatch, Engadget’s summary of a serious bug in Google’s Gmail, where web sites can retrieve your Gmail contact list, through a JavaScript loophole, has now been fixed. The bug allowed web sites to pull your Google contact list, if you were still logged into your Google account and had JavaScript enabled (which is most people who use Gmail). This comes hot off the news that Google accidentally deleted 60 email accounts messages.
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