Josh Shatkin-Margolis

Josh Shatkin-Margolis


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Search Vs. Display: Which Will Come Out On Top In 2012?

With two seemingly competitive ad executions constantly compared, it’s no wonder why search and display have a love/hate relationship. When combined, this duo knows how to drive performance. On the other hand, they compete for digital advertising dollars. We see industry trends pointing toward search as Google’s paid click revenue continues to accelerate, having jumped from […]


Tips For Checking Your Holiday Retargeting List Twice

Every holiday season for retailers is filled with trepidation. There’s what retailers know. And then there’s what they think they know. This year, retailers know e-commerce sales will be up. What they think they know (or admit they can’t predict) is how the huge shadow of the sluggish economy will impact their season. It’s the […]

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