Feed & Information Overload? Read SearchCap!

I was talking to someone recently who felt overwhelmed by all the search news that happens when they’re out of-touch while traveling. They’d fire up Google Reader after getting back, only to have hundreds of posts to read through. I suggested they read our SearchCap newsletter. A few weeks later, they said it made a […]

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I was talking to someone recently who felt overwhelmed by all the search news
that happens when they’re out of-touch while traveling. They’d fire up Google
Reader after getting back, only to have hundreds of posts to read through. I
suggested they read our SearchCap newsletter. A few weeks later, they said it
made a huge difference in keeping up. So, I thought it was worth a quick
reminder. We put so much time and energy into SearchCap, and it can help anyone
feeling the pressure of information overload. Here’s more about it and why it’s

SearchCap goes out
toward the end of each day. You can see an example by looking at yesterday’s

We list all the top stories from Search Engine Land at the top, with short
summaries. These are stories where we either have original, in-depth content
from our own work or where we feel something’s happened that deserves extra

After Search Engine Land stories, we list stories from across the web about
search. These are organized into topics. We get these stories by reading and
monitoring literally hundreds of feeds, then pulling out posts we think are

SearchCap isn’t perfect. We might not have every story, nor might
everyone agree with our choices in story selection. But I think it’s very good.
If you’re looking for a rundown on everything that happened in search on a
particular day, in one single place, I think it’s hard to match.

I travel a lot myself. To stay on top of things, I also depend on SearchCap.
I’ll read every story we wrote on Search Engine Land while I was gone, then I’ll go through all the stories we’ve highlighted from across the web,
in the SearchCap editions that came out during my travels. Doing this gets me
quickly up-to-speed.

You can get SearchCap three ways:

  1. It comes out in email form. Just use
    the sign-up box at the top right-hand side of any page in Search Engine Land to
    get it, or use the box here.
  2. You can get it as part of the Search Engine Land feed. That gives you
    every post from Search Engine Land plus SearchCap. The feed can be found here.
  3. There’s a dedicated SearchCap feed. Don’t want all of our posts? The SearchCap
    feed will give you a full-text summary of everything we wrote and highlighted
    from across the web. The feed can be found here.

Been gone for a long time? Don’t forget we have a
Search Month newsletter!

I’ll also put in a little pitch for the
Daily SearchCast
. This is a search news podcast that I’ve been doing for
almost two years now. It runs for about 30 to 40 minutes and comes out Monday
through Thursdays. During the show, I go through major search news events that
happened during the day. Many people tell me they find this a great way to keep
up when they are traveling, in the car, exercising or doing something where they
have time to listen rather than read. So check it out!

Contributing authors are invited to create content for Search Engine Land and are chosen for their expertise and contribution to the search community. Our contributors work under the oversight of the editorial staff and contributions are checked for quality and relevance to our readers. The opinions they express are their own.

About the author

Danny Sullivan
Danny Sullivan was a journalist and analyst who covered the digital and search marketing space from 1996 through 2017. He was also a cofounder of Third Door Media, which publishes Search Engine Land and MarTech, and produces the SMX: Search Marketing Expo and MarTech events. He retired from journalism and Third Door Media in June 2017. You can learn more about him on his personal site & blog He can also be found on Facebook and Twitter.

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