SMX West Interviews: Now In Video
Mike McDonald and the team from WebProNews did an awesome job covering our SMX West show in Feburary with video interviews. They’ve been posting these slowly over the past weeks, and they’re all up now here. Below, I’ve also assembled them into our own all-in-one page. Check them out! SMX West 2008: Kick Off Video: […]
Mike McDonald and the team from WebProNews did an awesome job covering our
SMX West show in Feburary with video interviews. They’ve been posting these
slowly over the past weeks, and they’re all up now
here. Below, I’ve also
assembled them into our own all-in-one page. Check them out!
SMX West 2008: Kick Off Video: A funny intro WebProNews made as an
introduction to their show coverage.
SMX West 2008: Chris Elwell: "Mike McDonald of WebProNews speaks with
Chris Elwell, the
President for Third Door Media
and one of the brains behind the SMX conference series. Elwell gives a
behind-the-scenes look at what is involved in conference such as SMX. The
SMX West show in Santa Clara
has received a lot of good feedback, according to Elwell."
SMX West 2008: Danny Sullivan: "Mike McDonald of WebProNews has a nice chat
with Danny Sullivan during
SMX West 2008, in Santa Clara.
Search Engine Land’s Editor-in-Chief
discusses the show including the first ever search bowl. Universal or blended
search were among the hot topics of the show and Sullivan explains how that came
about. He even gives his take on the Microsoft–Yahoo
SMX West 2008: Vince Bianco : "Vince
Bianco, the CEO of Newsforce,
talks to Mike McDonald of WebProNews at
SMX West in Santa Clara.
Bianco explains Newsforce’s business of developing
SEO tools and
software for news and press releases. The tools and software build brand
awareness and help the company gain visibility."
SMX West 2008: Eric Enge: "Mike McDonald of WebProNews sits down with
Eric Enge,
the President of Stone Temple Consulting,
at SMX West in Santa Clara.
Enge talks about universal/blended search with images containing graphical
medical issues and how the search engines respond. He also gives his feedback on
the conference in general."
SMX West 2008: Evan Fishkin: "Rand
Fishkin is no stranger to the SEO world, but what about his brother? Evan
Fishkin, representing “Generation Google,” talks with Mike McDonald of
WebProNews about the launch of his SEO speaking career at
SMX West in Santa Clara. He
explains the role that the Internet plays for his generation."
SMX West 2008: Rand Fishkin: "Mike McDonald of WebProNews and
Rand Fishkin, the CEO and
Co-Founder of SEOmoz, has an “explicit”
conversation about spam at SMX
West in Santa Clara. Easily one of the liveliest interviews of the whole
!%$@ing conference."
SMX West 2008: Matt Foster: "Matt
Foster, the CEO of ArteWorks,
speaks with Mike McDonald of WebProNews in Santa Clara at
SMX West 2008. ArteWorks is a
full-service optimization firm. Foster explains how you should approach
selecting an optimization firm. He says getting a cold call from a firm is a bad
SMX West 2008: Andrew Goodman: "Andrew
Goodman, the Founder and Principal of
Page Zero Media, speaks with our very own Mike McDonald at
SMX West in Santa Clara.
Goodman talks about the pros and cons of user-generated content and how to avoid
copyright issues and duplicate content."
SMX West 2008: Ken Jurina & Damien Finlay: "At
SMX West in Santa Clara, Mike
McDonald of WebProNews sits down with Epiar’s
President and Managing Director.
Ken Jurina talks about the synergy between online and offline and primarily
keyword research. Damien Finlay
discusses growing a search engine marketing firm and the challenges that go
along with it."
SMX West 2008: David Kidder and Dana Todd: "While attending
SMX West in Santa Clara, Mike
McDonald of WebProNews catches up with
David Kidder, the
Co-Founder and CEO of Clickable, and
Dana Todd, the Executive Vice President of
SiteLab. Kidder explains that
his company provides a web service that makes online advertising easy. Todd, who
also serves on the Board of Advisors for Clickable, discusses how the service is
a useful marketing tool."
SMX West 2008: Todd Malicoat: "At
SMX West in Santa Clara, Mike
McDonald of WebProNews and
Todd Malicoat
of talk about proper
conference etiquette. The two discuss many things that you should absolutely
NEVER do while attending a conference. You have one chance to make an
impression, and you don’t want to blow it."
SMX West 2008: Microsoft’s Jeremiah Andrick: "Jeremiah Andrick from MSN Live
Search Webmaster Tools has some fun with WebProNews at SMX West 2008. The result
is a pretty funny little spoof of a popular commercial."
SMX West 2008: Barry Schwartz: "At
SMX West in Santa Clara, Mike
McDonald of WebProNews sits down and has a nice conversation with
Barry Schwartz,
the Executive Editor for Search Engine
Roundtable. They discuss the hot topics surrounding the conference. Although
the conference has had a great turnout, Schwartz mentions that it has not lacked
any personal communication."
SMX West 2008: Chris Smith: "Chris
“Silver” Smith, the Lead GravityStream Strategist for
Netconcepts, speaks with Mike McDonald
of WebProNews during SMX West
2008, in Santa Clara. Because universal and blended search has really taken
off in the last couple of years, many discussions at the conference revolved
around the topic. While this conversation is no exception, it does center around
local search involvement in universal and blended."
SMX West 2008: Chloe Spencer: "Mike McDonald of WebProNews had the
opportunity to talk to Chloe Spencer at
SMX West in Santa Clara.
Chloe is the daughter of
Stephan Spencer who has
appeared on WebProNews
several times. Chloe started a cheats site for neopets called Her dad told
her how to incorporate
Google AdSense and her site has been very successful."
SMX West 2008: Stephan Spencer: "The President of
Stephan Spencer, sits down with Mike McDonald of WebProNews at
SMX West in Santa Clara.
Spencer explains the PageRank sculpting concept. He does point out that it is an
advanced SEO practice, and it is important to understand it before jumping into
SMX West 2008: Jim Sterne: "Mike McDonald of WebProNews speaks with
Jim Sterne of
Target Marketing at
SMX West in Santa Clara.
Sterne has written 8 books on Internet marketing and the latest is about Web
metrics. Sterne is the producer of the annual eMetrics Marketing Optimization
Summit and he also serves as one of the founders and chairman
of the Web Analytics
SMX West 2008: Dana Todd: "At
SMX West in Santa Clara, Mike McDonald of WebProNews speaks with
Dana Todd about a variety of search marketing issues. Dana Todd has many
irons in the fire as she is Executive Vice President of
SiteLab, Founder of
Newsforce, and serves as the Chairperson
for SEMPO. Dana explains SEO standards
and search as a branding vehicle."
SMX West 2008: Matt Van Wagner: "During
SMX West in Santa Clara, Mike
McDonald of WebProNews talks with Matt Van Wagner, the President of
Find Me Faster. They discuss the
current Microsoft/Yahoo
situation from a paid search perspective. Van Wagner also gives 2008 predictions
for the search engines and integrating tools."
SMX West 2008: Joe Whyte: "At SMX
West in Santa Clara, Joe Whyte of
HybridSEM ‘jumps’ into a deep conversation about social media with Mike
McDonald of WebProNews. According to Whyte, marketing with social media involves
using a few basic marketing tactics. He advises to begin by defining your target
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