Niraj Shah

Niraj Shah


About Niraj Shah

Niraj is a product manager at Marin Software in San Francisco, CA. Prior to joining Marin Software, he was a product marketing manager at Catalyic, Inc., a cutting-edge electronic design software company. Previously, Niraj was a venture partner at ITU Ventures, an early-stage venture capital firm investing in companies emerging from leading research institutions. Niraj graduated magna cum laude with honors from The University of Arizona and received his M.S. and Ph.D. in electrical engineering and computer sciences from the University of California at Berkeley.

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Niraj Shah's latest articles

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Busted: Three Boneheaded Paid Search Myths

Paid search marketing is complicated enough, and several long-held industry myths aren’t helping make your job any easier. Debunk these SEM tall tales once and for all, and your campaigns will be well on their way to higher ROI.


Get Rid Of Unwanted Clicks With Keyword Management

Every search marketer shares one important goal: get more of the traffic you want and less of the traffic you don’t. One of the best ways to get manage your traffic quality is by focusing on keyword selection. By selecting the right keywords you can reduce the number of untargeted clicks you get, reducing your […]


Five Search Marketing Tips For The Holidays

Ah, the holidays—the most wonderful time of the year for retailers. Even though the uncertain economy has retailers only cautiously projecting an uptick in sales this holiday season compared to last year’s dismal downturn, the truth still holds that most will make 25-40% of their yearly sales in November and December. What is unique for […]

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Boost Quality Scores With These Simple Tips

Read the search marketing press today and you’ll find abundant information on the importance of bid management strategies, as well as tools to maximize campaign ROI. However, as anybody who’s managed a search campaign recently knows, bid levels are only part of the equation. Effective search marketers know that search engines are looking to maximize […]

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