Annie Cushing

Annie Cushing


About Annie Cushing

I'm a Senior SEO at SEER Interactive, an Internet marketing agency in Philadelphia. My areas of focus are SEO, analytics, and data collection and analysis. My claim to fame is I make data sexy — and teach other marketers how to do the same.

Annie Cushing's latest articles

Analytics & conversion

5 Excel Skills Every Marketer Should Know

One question I get asked a lot is this: what Excel skills are most important for marketers to learn? I have whittled that interminable list down to five skills that I believe are absolutely essential for marketers to know, presented below in order of importance. Table Formatting I believe that table formatting is the baseline […]

Analytics & conversion

Advanced Filters: Excel’s Amazing Alternative To Regex

One thing I’ve never understood about Excel is why it doesn’t support regular expressions (which the cool kids call regex). Regex allows you to do advanced sorting and filtering. The SeoTools plugin for Excel supports regex, but it — like most cool resources for Excel — is PC-swim only. For those of us red-headed stepchildren Mac […]

Analytics & conversion

10 Simple Tips To Make Your Excel Charts Sexier

Having covered all the basics of how to make tabular data tell a story using custom cell formatting and conditional formatting for both static tables and pivot tables, we’re now going to jump into the really fun stuff: charting data out in Excel. I’m not going to cover the basics of creating charts in this […]

Analytics & conversion

How To Manage Big Data With Pivot Tables

Big data is all the rage right now. If you search Google News for the term, there are 53,500 thousand results. And that’s just the news. Most of us in Internet marketing aren’t truly working with big data, in the truest sense of the word. However, when we’re investigating things like the competitive landscape for […]

Analytics & conversion

A Marketer’s Guide To Table Formatting In Excel

If there’s one task most marketers share — whether their focus is SEO, paid search, or social media — it’s collecting and interpreting data. Being able to slice and dice the data to find actionable insights is key to effective analysis. Yet, one of the biggest mistakes marketers make is trying to wrangle static data […]

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