Jim Yu

Jim Yu


About Jim Yu

Jim Yu is the founder and CEO of BrightEdge, the leading enterprise content performance platform. He combines in-depth expertise in developing and marketing large on-demand software platforms with hands-on experience in advanced search, content and digital marketing practices.

Jim Yu's latest articles


The Future Of Content & SEO: How To Stay On Top

Do you ever look back on SEO and long for the simpler days? SEO has always been content-driven, but the meaning of optimized content has changed drastically over the years. Previously, we usually viewed content as a separate thing from SEO; the two existed in separate silos, only to come together for a brief moment in the […]


Three SEO Personas – Are You One Of Them?

Organic search used to just be for the technophiles, the Excel-lovers, the self-proclaimed geeks, etc. Now, SEO is all grown up and has welcomed all types of people, each of whom have a hand in the channel’s success. Let’s go over three primary personas involved in organic search today, and then you can tell me […]


SEO Plus PPC Equals SERP Real Estate, Content Glue & ROI

Most marketers would agree that to be competitive, we do not operate in an either/or environment. It’s not a choice between either SEO or social, or SEO and PPC. It’s a requirement that we understand how these channels work together to impact one another, and a website’s ability to stay afloat in the growing search […]


Reigning In Content & SEO — The King & Queen Of Online Marketing

Years ago, SEOs proclaimed, “Content is king!” Yet the full potential of content as the catalyst for everything we want to accomplish in SEO was not realized. Even back then, SEOs wanted to measure their efforts. Fast-forward to 2014, and we’re facing more choices in our marketing with more ways to measure than ever. We […]


The Secret To Staying Relevant With Authorship

At PubCon last year, Google’s Matt Cutts discussed big changes to the search results, many of which we’ve seen played out over the past several months. In his talk, he mentioned upcoming improvements to authorship results. A couple months later in December, Google confirmed it had started tightening the belt when it came to authorship results […]


Secure Search & SEO Methodology: Key Strategies & Enablers

One of the primary ways SEO changed forever in 2013 was Google’s move to 100% secure search — otherwise known as “Keyword Not Provided.” SEOs long accustomed to measuring their performance at the keyword level have been forced to rethink their measurement criteria in order to prove the value of their efforts. After Google’s announcement […]


The Global SEO & Content Marketing Landscape

Search unifies people across the globe, and search engines are the catalyst for making that connection. For global brands, optimizing for different search engines and different cultures increases awareness, visibility, traffic and conversions. Global SEO and content marketing are more important than ever! The 2013 year saw search engine heroes and underdogs fight for their […]


SEO Changed Forever In 2013. How To Adjust And Thrive In 2014

If there’s ever been any question that SEO marketers need to put user needs first, 2013 was the year the search engines made it clear. Nearly every innovation in search — algorithm updates like Google Hummingbird, SERP enhancements, social integrations — was aimed at creating a better experience for the searcher. These innovations require SEO […]


Google Hummingbird & The Keyword: What You Need To Know To Stay Ahead

On September 26, Google told participants at its 15th anniversary event it had a new algorithm impacting more than 90 percent of searches worldwide. They called it “Hummingbird.” Google’s Amit Singhal later said it was perhaps the largest change to the algorithm since he joined the company back in 2001. This information made some marketers […]

Google algorithm updates

Global SEO And Localization Excellence – What Localization Really Is

Enterprise SEO marketers developing a global footprint see tremendous value in global SEO. Targeting greater performance from global search engines is a top priority for enterprise search marketers since it is a gateway to increase leads, conversions and revenue. Successful global SEO can translate to even greater marketing ROI since extending SEO success to global […]


How To Optimize For Facebook Graph Search: SEO Meets Social

As Facebook Graph Search evolves and marketers begin to come to grips with the opportunities provided from the social graph, it becomes clear that a combination of both search and social media tactics are required if brands aim to improve visibility in the graph search engine results. Today, I would like to focus on how […]


How To Attribute Comparable Value To Search & Social Campaigns

The rapid growth of social media has meant that search engines now invest a significant amount of time into innovating how content discovery works on the Web. Recent projects such as Facebook Graph Search and the growth and adoption of Google+ signify the developing relationship between search engines and social media platforms. Search engines are increasingly using […]


3 Out Of 4 Top 100 Global Brands On Google+, YouTube Use At 85%

Google+ is poised for major growth with 3 out of 4 top 100 brands on the network. With 85% adoption, YouTube is a hit among marketers. Together, Google+ and YouTube make Google a search and social media powerhouse. Since Google + was launched in June 2011, there have been a number of articles, opinions, surveys […]


How Search & Social Will Hit The Fast Forward Button In 2013

The search and social graphs have made giant strides in the recent past. Even two years ago, people were skeptical about the relationship between search and social media. Fast-forward to 2013, and we are now faced with a complex and large search and social ecosystem that offers a world of opportunity to SEO marketers while […]


The Importance Of Big Data, Integrity & Security In Enterprise SEO

The phrase Big Data is everywhere. Not a day passes without the release of another report that describes the extent to which Big Data is influencing how we do business. But, what exactly is Big Data? What does Big Data mean in the context of digital marketing? How can we be more effective search marketers […]


Take Twitter Campaigns To The Next Level With SEO Data

You drive amazing amounts of traffic to your sites, grow conversions and engage with thousands of users over social media. Want to take your search and social efforts to the next level? Try forming a Social-SEO super group to exploit synergies, foster collaboration and deliver better results across Social and SEO. Integrating your online marketing […]


Google Shopping – The Balance Between Old & New

One of the most talked about changes introduced by Google on May 31, 2012, is the launch of a paid program from Google Shopping based on Product Listing Ads (PLA). Since its announcement, we have seen a huge change in shopping results. Google Shopping listings replace the current Google Product Search listings, which are part of […]

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