David Ingram

David Ingram


About David Ingram

David Ingram's latest articles


6 Reasons Why Local Data Will Rule In 2011

Whether you are a mom and pop outfit, Main Street USA type of SMB, or you’re more on the medium end of the small to medium-sized business scale (100-1000 employees), or even if you’re a multi-national Fortune 500, there is local business information about you on the Web. As the use of mobile and social […]


Why I’m NOT Drinking The “Real-time Local Search” Kool-Aid

I’m hearing more and more about “Real-Time Local Search” – that phrase is popping up everywhere; but I’m just not buying the hype that positions it as some amazing new essence that businesses and consumers must embrace… sorry. I acknowledge that it’s useful to have a label to refer to this concept, but is it […]


How To Handle Negative Reviews Of Your Business

The rise of websites that empower consumers to write reviews of our businesses is causing many business owners anxiety, or even outright rage. Of course we love it when people say great things about our business, but what about when they say bad things? Do we really have a reason to fear? Just how significant […]

Google Analytics

A Guide To Video Search Marketing For Small Businesses

Search engines are pushing the universal search movement to evolve results into a multimedia-rich blend of images, maps, local and video. As a result, search engine algorithms will look more favorably on video content for the top spots on their result pages, meaning the opportunity for exposure increases for any video producer that is on […]

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