Kevin Gibbons

Kevin Gibbons


About Kevin Gibbons

Kevin Gibbons is founder and Managing Director of UK content marketing agency Quaturo. A highly respected blogger on search and social media, Kevin also speaks frequently at leading industry events. He can also be found on Twitter @kevgibbo.

Kevin Gibbons's latest articles

Where, Why, When & How To Benefit From Google’s Farmer Update

I’m sure everyone has read about Google’s recent algorithm change to penalize content farms by now. There’s been lots of reports on who the biggest losers have been in terms of traffic loss, but for everyone who’s lost – someone else has won! So looking at this from the alternative point of view, how can […]

How To Use Twitter To Boost Your Google Rankings

Get An Active Twitter Account This is clearly the first step and sounds very obvious – but many people will be disappointed to discover that simply opening an account and tweeting their own content doesn’t miraculously fire their pages up the rankings! Your Twitter account cannot exist in isolation if it’s going to achieve anything – […]

Top 10 SEM Tips From SMX Advanced London 2010

Last week, SMX London graduated to SMX Advanced status. We in the UK eagerly anticipated the fresh new tips and tricks which are usually left until several beers later in the networking bars! And we certainly weren’t disappointed. I thought it would be useful to share with Search Engine Land readers the top ten advanced […]

How To Create Brand Awareness On Facebook

To successfully promote a business through social media means walking the finest of fine lines. To market without intruding, to advertise without offending; these things are not easily done. This week, I was thinking about online marketing opportunities using Facebook. And nowhere is the line finer than on Facebook. On that platform, you need to […]


How To Use Google’s Sidewiki For Maximum SEM Benefit

Google’s Sidewiki is here and it’s not hard to see that it could be big, that it could change the way we use the internet. However, it has some frankly scary implications for website proprietors. People can visit your pages and leave messages, whether you want them to or not. Dell Homepage with Google SideWiki […]

Practical Points For Perfecting Press Releases

The rise of the web has revolutionized the simple press release, which has gone from being copy you post to journalists to being yet another form of online information, accessible by both the media and the public. However, while this means press releases can be extraordinarily useful, it also means the world is utterly swamped […]

SEO Tips For Building Your Personal Brand

Most firms now recognize the importance of developing a powerful online brand. Now, an increasing number of professionals have started to recognize the benefits of developing a personal brand. Many people recognize that a personal online brand could be as important (possibly more so) than a company brand when looking to win a new client, […]

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