Shannon McCarty

Shannon McCarty


About Shannon McCarty

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5 Tips For Looking Beyond Wins And Losses In B2B Metrics

While the final score matters, any coach will tell you that the more granular stats — RBIs, home-runs, sacrifice flies, errors – provide the insight needed to drive a team’s performance. Similarly, B2B marketers need a mix of keyword performance indicators (KPIs) to truly make their campaign a winner. Why Granularity Matters In B2B The […]

6 Common Mistakes In B2B PPC Advertising

B2B marketers often preach about how B2B marketing is unique, and that advertising to businesses is very different from consumer focused advertising. And while there is truth in that argument, B2B marketers should be wary that leaning on their “uniqueness” too heavily can adversely impact their PPC campaigns. Granted, there are a number of ways […]


7 Tips To Boost Brand Reputation In Search Via Corporate Responsibility

Despite the economic quagmire we’re in, consumers’ brand expectations are up – especially when it comes to corporate responsibility. Given that, marketers should capitalize on these expectations by leveraging their corporate responsibility initiatives as a means to boost brand reputation in the search results. Why you should care In slower economic periods such as we’re […]

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