Google Shopper: Scan Books, DVDs, Video Games, Bar Codes & Get Prices
The Google Mobile Blog announced a neat new search app for Android named Google Shopper. You just point the app at books, CDs, DVDs, and video games, and barcodes and it will fetch the details of that product and give you the prices, stores, reviews and more about that product. I tested it out on […]
Barry Schwartz on February 19, 2010 at 9:13 am | Reading time: 1 minute
The Google Mobile Blog announced a neat new search app for Android named Google Shopper. You just point the app at books, CDs, DVDs, and video games, and barcodes and it will fetch the details of that product and give you the prices, stores, reviews and more about that product. I tested it out on my Nexus One and it worked out pretty nicely. I’ll share some images of my use below, but first, here is a video that explains how it works:
Here is me playing with Google Shopper:
The Book I Will Scan:
Google detecting the book cover:
Google finding a match:
Stores & Prices for this match:
My History:
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