Pandia Offers Custom Search For Search Information
Pandia is offering a free custom search called the Search Engine Detective, a meta search engine which lets you do specialized searches for anything search engine related. Search Engine Detective give you two options: “All the best sites about search engines” searches a wide variety of sites and blogs on search engine optimization and the […]
Pandia is offering a free custom search called the Search Engine Detective, a meta search engine which lets you do specialized searches for anything search engine related. Search Engine Detective give you two options: “All the best sites about search engines” searches a wide variety of sites and blogs on search engine optimization and the search engine industry.
If you want to search just the very best sources — the search engines’ own blogs and those of the top industry experts and old timers, select “Top 25 sites about search engines”.
What’s included in the top 25? We’re flattered that Search Engine Land makes the list. We’re part of a pretty august group:
- The blog, Ask’s official blog.
- Google Blog, the official one.
- Google Blogoscoped, unofficially covering Google (and the search scene in general).
- Internet Marketing Monitor, Internet marketing strategies, SEO tips, and case studies.
- John Battelle’s Searchblog, thoughts on the intersection of search, media, technology, and more.
- Live Search’s WebLog from Microsoft.
- Marketing Pilgrim, Andy Beal keeps his finger on the pulse of Internet marketing news.
- Matt Cutts: Gadgets, Google, and SEO, the famous GoogleGuy himself — the view from inside the Googleplex.
- Pandia Search Central, yes, searching our top 25 sites you also get hits from Pandia.
- Phil Bradley’s Weblog, Internet searching, web design, search engine developments and anything that will interest librarians.
- ResearchBuzz, news about search engines, databases, and other information collections from Tara Calishain.
- Search Engine Guide, a site that’s been around forever and has lots of useful info.
- SearchEngineJournal, Search Engine News on SEO, Search Marketing, Blogs, and Web 2.0.
- Search Engine Land, Danny Sullivan, Chris Sherman and friends. Thorough research by the industry experts.
- Search Engine Lowdown, the search industry queries new media.
- SearchEngineWatch, still good without Danny Sullivan.
- The SearchEngineWatch blog, large amounts of great posts.
- SEO by the Sea, in depth Internet marketing and search engine optimization research.
- SEOmoz Blog, news, tips and highlights from the search marketing industry.
- Search Engine Roundtable, news from the search engine marketing community.
- Traffick, search engine enlightenment from Andrew Goodman.
- Threadwatch, points out forum threads and other links of particular interest for SEOs.
- WebmasterWorld, news and discussion for Web professionals.
- Yahoo! Search Blog, a look inside the world of search from the people of Yahoo!
- Yahoo! Search Marketing Blog, official news, tips and strategies.
According to Pandia, the broader search also includes:
- Search engine weblogs (a huge list)
- General search engine news
- Search engine news for librarians and researchers
- Blogs on Google
- The search engines’ own blogs
- Blogs on Web 2.0 and social media marketing
- Blogs on spamming
- Sites in pay per click advertising and paid inclusion
- Podcasts featuring search engine news and interviews.
- Non-English sites presenting search engine news and articles.
The Pandia Search Engine Detective looks like a great resource for anyone interested in search.
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