SearchCap: EU wants Google’s algorithm, Google My Business descriptions & new heatmap insights
Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. From Search Engine Land: What’s different about digital marketing in the cannabis industry?Mar 15, 2018 by Brett Middleton Contributor Brett Middleton explores the current challenges and opportunities facing this budding industry, given the differences in […]
Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web.
From Search Engine Land:
- What’s different about digital marketing in the cannabis industry?
Mar 15, 2018 by Brett MiddletonContributor Brett Middleton explores the current challenges and opportunities facing this budding industry, given the differences in local, state and federal regulations across the US.
- Understanding campaign performance: Answers to common conversion tracking questions
Mar 15, 2018 by Frederick VallaeysContributor Frederick Vallaeys suggests answering clients’ questions about AdWords quickly and authoritatively will make you shine like a PPC rockstar.
- Once a competitive advantage, Siri now seen as liability for Apple
Mar 15, 2018 by Greg SterlingFailure to improve Siri will eventually impact iPhone sales.
- Report: EU to ask Google, others to publicly reveal ranking factors
Mar 15, 2018 by Greg SterlingProposed rules are designed to redress the “superior bargaining power” of the large internet brands.
- Google My Business updates the directions heatmap in Insights reporting
Mar 15, 2018 by Barry SchwartzCheck out the new report that shows you where people requesting directions to your business are located.
- Google adding business descriptions in Google My Business & local panel
Mar 14, 2018 by Barry SchwartzBusiness owners will likely soon have the option to write and edit descriptions that show up in Google’s local knowledge panel.
Recent Headlines From MarTech, Our Sister Site Dedicated To Internet Marketing:
- All about value props: How customer and competitive research should shape your marketing
- PageFair on IAB consent framework: ‘Violates GDPR’
- SRAX readies its BIG platform so users can make money from their data
- Quora launches List Match Targeting for reaching audiences based on email lists
- With game apps in mind, Google announces Universal App Campaign & AdMob monetization updates
- Google says it removed more than 3.2 billion bad ads in 2017
Search News From Around The Web:
- Cornerstone Blog Posts – Still Appropriate In This Mobile World, BP Wrap
- 11 Slack Communities for SEOs and Digital Marketers,
- 2 New Google Tools For Mobile That Will Increase Your Revenue, Hallam Internet
- 4 Ways to Efficiently Manage PPC Account Downtime, PPC Hero
- Android Wear, it’s time for a new name, Google Blog
- Google is opening up Maps so game developers can create the next Pokémon Go, The Verge
- Introducing “wheelchair accessible” routes in transit navigation, Google Blog
- Most Effective Outreach Strategies – SEMrush Study, SEM Rush
- New Google Search Console Doesn’t Use Mobile Friendly Index By Default, Search Engine Roundtable
- Pagination & SEO: best practices, Yoast
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