SearchCap: The Day In Search, February 16, 2011

Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. From Search Engine Land: Visualizing Google’s Dominance Of Mobile Advertising A report on mobile apps report released today by security firm Lookout is being used to discuss the relative sizes and growth of Apple and […]


Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web.

From Search Engine Land:

  • Visualizing Google’s Dominance Of Mobile Advertising

    A report on mobile apps report released today by security firm Lookout is being used to discuss the relative sizes and growth of Apple and Google’s apps marketplaces. Called the “App Genome Report,” the much more striking thing it reveals is just how dominant Google is already in-app display advertising. Take a look at these […]

  • Visualize Your Own Information With Google Public Data Explorer

    In April 2008, Google launched its Public Data Explorer, a fantastic tool that allows you to visually explore and analyze very large data sets. Since then, it has curated 27 datasets including more than 300 data metrics. The Public Data Explorer now enables people to visualize everything from labor productivity (OECD) to gender balance in […]

  • The JCPenney Situation Is A Symptom Of A Bigger Disease

    Assuming you haven’t been living under a rock for the past week, you’ve certainly heard about this JCPenney SEO debacle. But I think it’s worth mentioning that while this issue revealed itself through some sketchy SEO, the issue here really isn’t about SEO at all, and it’s not limited to JCP at all. The links […]

  • Google On Toolbar: We Don’t Use Bing’s Searches

    Yes, Google uses data from its Google Toolbar to improve its search results. But no, Google reasserts, it doesn’t use its toolbar to mine search behavior on other search engines in the way that Bing does. Bing Toolbar & Google’s Results Questions about Google’s toolbar came up in the wake of Google’s accusations that Microsoft’s […]

  • Are Manual Solutions The Answer To Content Farms?

    It was interesting to see some of the recent reactions when upstart Blekko decided to toss some sites out of their index. For the uninitiated it was a bit of a seeming PR play against Google whom have been getting smacked about for thin quality of late. If you hadn’t guessed by now, we’re talking […]

  • 3 Dangers Of A Website Redesign For B2B SEO

    Thrilled. That’s how Steve felt the day the new website redesign went live. The B2B site had been in development for months now, and he knew his boss would love it. But his excitement was short-lived. Almost overnight, the company’s search rankings tanked. Unfortunately, the search engines couldn’t crawl big chunks of the new site. […]

  • Google One Pass: Publisher Payment System

    The Google Blog announced a new tool to help news publishers earn money online with their content. The system is called Google One Pass and it enables publishers to use Google to charge for content and subscriptions to their content. Google said, “publishers can maintain direct relationships with their customers and give readers access to […]

  • Official: Google On How & When Ranking Penalties Are Removed

    Google’s Matt Cutts posted a video describing how and when Google will remove a search ranking penalty for a site. I will embed the video below for you all to watch. Matt explains there are two groupings of penalties a site can receive in Google. (1) Manual Penalties, such as reports submitted to Google for […]

  • Texas Officials, Public Interest Lawyers Push For More Disclosures From Google

    The effort to get Google to disclose more information about how it ranks sites and the details of its algorithm is nothing new. However that information, among other things, is now being sought by the Texas Attorney General’s office in conjunction with a broad antitrust investigation against Mountain View. According to Bloomberg: Texas Attorney General […]

  • Mapquest Takes On Google Navigation With Free Android App

    Following the success of its iPhone app, Mapquest has released a free, voice-guided turn-by-turn navigation app for Android handsets. The new app differs in a couple ways from its older iPhone sibling. Most significantly it takes advantage of Android’s speech capabilities and includes OpenStreetMap data, which allows the app to be used outside the US […]

  • Google Asks: Can Search Trends Predict The Oscars?

    Search activity on Bing didn’t help predict the Grammy winners this year; Lady Gaga was the subject of about a zillion more searches than Album of the Year winner, The Arcade Fire. Klout scores also couldn’t predict the Grammy Award winners. In fact, social media as a whole failed to tell us who the winners […]

  • Bing & Yahoo Align With Google’s Trademark Rules For Search Ads

    Bring on the trademarked keywords in the U.S. and Canada, says Microsoft AdCenter. A policy change, which takes effect March 3, means ads appearing on Bing and Yahoo will soon able to be triggered by trademarked keywords, though only authorized users can include trademarks in the text of their ads. The shift brings Microsoft AdCenter […]

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Recent Hot Items From Sphinn, Our Social News Sharing Site:

  • DOTW: How to Hire an SEO/SEM Consultant? – This "Discussion of the Week" is inspired by personal experience: Over the past 2-3 weeks, my IN box has been bombarded by small business owners realizing they need SEO/SEM help but not knowing where to start and, more specifically, how to find the right consultant/company to help with online marketing. So, what ONE TIP or piece of advice would you share with someone asking you "how do I find a good SEO/SEM consultant"? (Feel free to share more than one tip if you want, of course!)
  • The Next Generation of Ranking Signals – Rand Fishkin does some theorizing about the next chain in the evolution of search algorithm ranking signals.
  • Don’t Break The Cardinal Rule Of LinkBait – Debra's linkbait failed? How could that happen? Read her dissection of what went wrong in this interesting post at The Link Spiel.
  • JCPenney Responds to the New York Times and Google – Alan Bleiweiss shares an email response that he got from JCPenney's PR department. Hilarity ensues.

About the author

Barry Schwartz
Barry Schwartz is a technologist and a Contributing Editor to Search Engine Land and a member of the programming team for SMX events. He owns RustyBrick, a NY based web consulting firm. He also runs Search Engine Roundtable, a popular search blog on very advanced SEM topics.

In 2019, Barry was awarded the Outstanding Community Services Award from Search Engine Land, in 2018 he was awarded the US Search Awards the "US Search Personality Of The Year," you can learn more over here and in 2023 he was listed as a top 50 most influential PPCer by Marketing O'Clock.

Barry can be followed on X here and you can learn more about Barry Schwartz over here or on his personal site.

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