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Frequently asked questions

Stay tuned for more information about SMX Next 2024.

Below, you’ll find answers to some commonly asked questions about SMX Next. Have any additional questions? Email us at [email protected] and we’ll respond as soon as possible. Still need to register? Grab your free pass here.

SMX Next will air online, Wednesday, November 13, and Thursday, November 14, 2024.

Yes! In fact, all sessions are pre-recorded and set to debut at scheduled times to prevent technical difficulties.

The only portions of the program that will stream live are Overtime — real-time Q&A with speakers, Coffee Talk networking meetups, and Ask the Search Engine Land Award winners, live Q&A with select winners of our 2024 awards program.

All sessions, keynotes, Overtimes, and Coffee Talks will be available for viewing on-demand following their live broadcast.

All sessions will be available for viewing on-demand until Monday, May 13, 2025.

Registration for SMX Next is 100% free! Grab your free pass here.

On November 13, each session on the agenda will have its own Watch button. Click this button to begin watching a given session.

If you’re watching live, you will be taken into a digital lobby until the session is ready to begin. Be sure to watch the video in the lobby for tips to make the most of your SMX experience. You will be automatically taken into the session room at its designated start time. If you’re not redirected, simply refresh the page.

If you’re watching on-demand — or if you join a session after it has begun — you will bypass the lobby and be taken directly into the session room.

Don’t worry! Yes, up to four sessions run concurrently, but all sessions will be available for viewing on-demand.

Yes! Once the agenda is live, you will be able to create a personalized schedule, which will live on your My SMX page. The agenda will be posted on October 7, 2024.

Yes! All session rooms include a Chat tab to the right of the video player where you can enter your questions during the presentation. Remember: Sessions are pre-recorded, so you won’t get an answer immediately — but questions will be answered by speakers live during Overtime, which immediately follows most sessions. You can enter questions into the Chat tab during a presentation or during its respective Overtime — either way works.

In most cases, yes! Be sure to check out the “Dig Deeper” tab to the right of the video player to download a PDF version of the presentation (if available) and any other resources the speakers may offer.

In the unlikely event that the video isn’t working, try these handy troubleshooting tips:

  • Refresh your page; this is often the simplest solution to jumpstarting a video that’s successfully working for everyone else.
  • Ensure that any popup blockers or privacy settings that could prevent a video from playing are disabled.
  • Ensure your browser of choice is up-to-date. If it’s not, install the necessary updates and refresh your page.
  • Ensure that the computer you’re on isn’t behind a company firewall or other technical obstacle that would prevent a video from playing.
  • Sessions will stream in all major browsers, but we tend to find that Chrome users have optimal experiences.

If you find a slide hard to read, we recommend you increase the screen size. To do this, you can either click the Full-Screen button on the video player or try modifying your screen zoom by clicking COMMAND and the (-) key on Mac or CTRL and the (–) key on Windows.

This is also likely due to your browser’s settings. When watching live, click the white overlay volume button to enable audio. Once you do that, you can adjust the volume by hovering over the video embed and using the controls in the bottom right of the window. When watching on-demand, adjust the volume on the bottom right corner of the video player.

If this does not work, please check the sound preferences on your computer, including the sound output settings. If you’re still experiencing a technical issue, use the Chat tab to the right of the video player to reach out to the SMX team for further assistance.

You likely have two instances of the session open in your browser. Close one to eliminate the echo.

Refreshing your page is often the simplest and most effective way to correct any issues you may be experiencing with the chat. If that doesn’t work, ensure you aren’t behind a firewall or VPN, which may block your ability to use the chat. (Pro-tip: Log in to the event on your mobile device and head into a session room. If you can see the Chat box on your phone but not your computer, it’s likely a firewall issue.)

We are working hard to introduce this feature soon! In the meantime, we recommend installing this helpful caption feature from Chrome.

Yes! All attendees will receive a personalized certificate of attendance and a nifty digital badge — perfect for sharing on social. You can access your certificate and badge on your My SMX page after the event concludes.

Absolutely! The more, the merrier at SMX. Share this link with your network today!

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