Twitter Testing Local Trends
Lisa Barone has screen captures of Twitter testing a localized version of Twitter Trends. Twitter Trends shows you what Tweet topics are currently hot and trending on Twitter. The local trends version does all that but breaks it out by region, country and city. Here is one of the pictures from @LisaBarone: You can see […]
Barry Schwartz on January 25, 2010 at 9:16 am | Reading time: 1 minute
Lisa Barone has screen captures of Twitter testing a localized version of Twitter Trends. Twitter Trends shows you what Tweet topics are currently hot and trending on Twitter. The local trends version does all that but breaks it out by region, country and city.
Here is one of the pictures from @LisaBarone:
You can see more pictures at OutSpoken Media and TechCrunch.
Postscript: A day or so later, Twitter officially launched local trends to everyone.
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