22 Links To Coverage About The SEO Is Bull Debate
Over the past two days, there has been a ton of debate over Jason Calacanis’s post calling SEO "bull." Since then, Danny’s done a long response, Jason’s been challenged (and accepted) to have his site SEOed and much more. Here’s a rundown and a rough timeline of developments: Why people hate SEO… (and why SMO […]
Barry Schwartz on February 9, 2007 at 10:48 am | Reading time: 3 minutes
Over the past two days, there has been a ton of debate over Jason Calacanis’s
post calling SEO "bull." Since then, Danny’s done a long response, Jason’s been
challenged (and accepted) to have his site SEOed and much more. Here’s a rundown
and a rough timeline of developments:
Why people hate SEO… (and why SMO is bulls$%t) from Jason kicks things
- Jason Calacanis takes
another cheap shot at SEOs from Threadwatch has SEOers pushing back.
- Social Media
Marketers Need to Accept Some Responsibility from Greg Boser pushes back
also at the idea that SEOers are responsible for social media site abuses.
- Why The SEO Folks
Were Mad At You, Jason from Danny spins out a defense of SEO, with a lot
of history and questions.
- Are 90% Of SEOs
Snake Oil Salesmen? has Danny talking about the issues on The Daily
SearchCast podcast.
- Diggers Can’t
Handle The Truth (About SEO) from Danny covers how his story made popular
on Digg but disappeared quickly because Diggers apparently hate SEO.
CalacanisCast with SEO folks…, kind of enjoying watching what is going on
from Jason announces he wants to have an SEO person on his podcast.
- Trust
About SEO from Scott Karp of Publishing 2.0 shares views on SEO.
- Talk Talk Talk
from Aaron Wall shares views at SEO Book about the debate.
- Greg Boser and
(Oilman) Friesen hope to talk to Jason on their podcast,
Danny Sullivan Schools Jason Calacanis in SEO has cool and calm Lisa
Barone gets into the mix at the Bruce Clay Blog.
The NEO of Search from Joe Whyte has him sharing his support for SEOs.
Jason Calacanis Has Never Had to Rank for Viagra, Has He? has Li Evans
Danny Sullivan 1 Jason Calacanis 0 has 901am scoring the debate in Danny’s
SEO Results You Deserve covers the issue at The Commerce 360 Blog.
SEOs – Slimebuckets or Geniuses? from Andy Beal at Marketing Pilgrim
weighing in
Calacanis Plays SEO People Like A Fiddle from Jeremy at Shoemoney has him
and I talking about the issues.
On linkbaiting, SEO’ing and all that other crap has Ben Metcalfe concerned
that SEO and SMO is going to harm social media sites.
- Jason
Calacanis Hates SEOs, But Loves What SEOs Do has Kevin Newcomb at the
Search Engine Watch Blog lending a voice.
Gary Ruplinger: The Aleksey Vayner of Social Media from Valleywag covers
the guy in the video about getting links from Digg and other social media
sites that kicked Jason off in the first place.
Following up with a
Some "SEO is bulls#$t" fallout… from Jason has him keeping a running
account of responses to his original post, with comments also on what Danny
Open Challenge to Jason Calacanis has Neil Patel offering a challenge to
Jason — let him do SEO and see if Jason’s traffic rises. Jason accepts, with
the caveat of it being all white hat
That is just some of the coverage out there, much of it found via
Techmeme. If you have your own story,
feel free to add it to the comments below.
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