Barb Palser

Barb Palser


About Barb Palser

Disclosure: Relay Media's AMP conversion technology was acquired by Google on October 9th, 2017. Barb Palser is head of product for Relay Media, Inc., a San Francisco-based AMP conversion and mobile distribution platform. Her 20-year career in digital content spans traditional media, digital publishing technology, product strategy and audience development. She's held digital leadership roles with Nexstar Broadcasting, McGraw-Hill Broadcasting, Morgan Murphy Media, The Poynter Institute and publishing platform Internet Broadcasting.

Barb Palser's latest articles


AMP links at large: What’s a publisher to do?

If you're a publisher that's implemented Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP), you've likely seen views on those pages coming from some unexpected sources. Contributor Barb Palser explains how AMP links get shared from a variety of platforms.


Twitter ramps up AMP

With Twitter now linking to Accelerated Mobile Pages, columnist Barb Palser reminds publishers to check the quality of their AMPs.

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