Brent Csutoras

Brent Csutoras


About Brent Csutoras

Brent Csutoras is a social media strategist and entrepreneur, who specializes in social media marketing, content marketing, and viral content creation -

Brent Csutoras's latest articles

StumbleUpon Responds To Concerns About Links & Iframing

On Wednesday, Feb 1, 2012, we published an article discussing some changes StumbleUpon made during their recent redesign which removed source links from their content pages and forced all users to view content from the site through an iframed toolbar, which they could not close if they were logged in. One of the things I have […]

StumbleUpon Kills Direct Links, iFrames Everything

Story Update: February 3, 2012 – StumbleUpon Responds To Concerns About Links & Iframing StumbleUpon, who happens to be one of the more popular and successful social media sites with over 20 million users (doubling from 10 million in about a year and a half), recently launched one of the biggest redesigns I can remember… basically […]

Is Yahoo’s Buzz A Buzz-Kill?

When Yahoo Buzz launched back in February of 2008, it was thought by many to be the next big player in the social news community space. This was largely due to the fact that if your content got the most “buzz” it had a chance to be featured on, which can send millions of […]

How Social Media Is Invading Traditional Media

Over the last few years we have seen a real explosion of social media sites and services, influencing the way we network, read, and search the web. With sites like Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, StumbleUpon, and Delicious, social media is here and it is here to stay. The success of social media really shouldn’t a mystery […]

Really Boring Products That Rocked In Social Media

One of the most frequently asked questions we get while speaking on social media marketing at conferences is “How can something boring be successful in social media?” Well, there is really no product, service, or topic that cannot be successful in social media marketing if you are willing to be creative. To prove the point […]

Social Media Is Always Changing… But Do You Change With It?

Social media marketing is one of the fastest changing forms of marketing online. Every time a new site, service, or community is launched, there comes both new opportunity for marketing and the possibility that the site you just spent months participating in will become obsolete.   Social media is not something you can do in […]

Is Your Site Social Media Friendly?

You should consider many factors when getting involved in Social Media Marketing, such as the quality of your content, your domain name, and who is submitting your content. But there is almost always one thing I find myself looking at before any of the above conversations even begin: the design. You need to make sure […]

Tools For Engaging In Social Media

We all know Social Media Marketing can be pretty time consuming. There are numerous social media communities, each requiring you to sign up, make a profile, and participate, in order to have any success with them. So it is only natural that you would like to have some helpful tools to short cut the process […]

Social Media Optimization: Submit it, But Don’t Forget It

When putting together a social media campaign, you should consider many different things before you actually submit your content. You need to think about creating good social media accounts, quality content, and which social media site to submit to. Finally you get to the point where you can submit your content and take a breather… […]

From SEO To Social Media: Content Is Still King

There was a time in social media, just as in search engine optimization (SEO), when everything was only about getting to the front page. Little attention was paid to what happened after you got there, and for a while it seemed as if you could do it in your sleep. Over the last year, social […]

How To Create Compelling Social Media Profiles

Social media is not really new anymore, but many people still struggle with the subtle things that might help or hurt success within the top social communities. Recently Muhammad Saleem published a great article on the various tips you can follow to help you succeed in most social media communities. In this article, I’m going […]

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