Marc Lyne

Marc Lyne


About Marc Lyne

Marc Lyne's latest articles


9 SEO Realities For Small Businesses

David Ingram and I recently had the pleasure of sitting with Tom Critchlow from Distilled (SEO consultants) for a few hours to asses our local business directory, A whole load of notes and actions flowed from the meeting — some of which may be very useful to others. Here are a few points to […]


How Can SEM Affect The SMB Purchase Funnel?

Could Search Engine Marketing (SEM) companies offer more to small businesses? Are the current SEM services in the market just part of a whole suite of initiatives that a small to medium enterprise (SME) needs to grasp to be successful online? What are those extra pieces of the jigsaw and how do they fit in […]


Doing All The Small Things Right For SEO

Many small businesses ask me, ‘how can I get found more online?’ Or, ‘I have a web site but I rank so low that I never get found so I get little traffic’. So you may expect me to answer:  “just list your business on  (the global wiki style directory site that I founded with […]


What Is A QR Code And Why Do You Need One?

We all know that one of the keys to great SEO is making sure you keep your website updated, new and fresh. Whether you do this with a blog, or you change your homepage with new offers, coupons or new products, it serves to show Google that your site is “alive.” For many small businesses […]


You Don’t Own Your Own Business Details Anymore

Who owns your business details – your phone number, address, company name? As the owner of a business, do you have the right to choose where your details are listed online in search engines, directory sites, blogs, forums, social networks, and, do you have the right to force such sites to remove your details? What […]

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