Tom Wilde

Tom Wilde


About Tom Wilde

Tom Wilde's latest articles


Will The TVAnywhere Initiative Miss The Point?

The cable industry’s “TV Anywhere” strategy is much in the news this month, as a response to the rapid adoption by consumers of sites and applications such as Hulu and Boxee. The cable industry is loath to make the mistake the record companies did, which was to misinterpret consumer downloading of music as a desire […]


YouTube Is Broken. Here’s How To Fix It

As has anyone in the online industry, I have closely followed the YouTube saga since its acquisition by Google.  Undoubtedly YouTube is one of the greatest success stories of the Internet era, adding users and usage faster than any site ever launched on the web, including MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, and Google.  What is also often […]


Search As Television’s Savior?

Nielsen Research came out with interesting statistics on overall video consumption last week indicating that total TV consumption reached record levels when considering traditional broadcast video, time shifted video, web video and mobile video. This seems to fly in the face of the predictions that online video is cannibalizing the traditional business model. The web […]


Is Your SEM Strategy Ready For Web 3.0?

As we move into the new year, the “Web 3.0” references appear to be picking up speed, and most define Web 3.0 closely along the lines of the social graph, with Facebook and Twitter as the poster children.  Its not so much social media though, that is powering a fundamental shift on the web, but […]


Giving Them What They Want: Online Video and the Consumer Experience

As we are in the cycle of the presidential election, there have been several high profile examples of how search is influencing and playing into the consumption formula for online video.  Two specific examples demonstrate how search either reinforces the opportunity big media has in capturing their share of the explosive growth in online video, […]


A Visual Dictionary For The Web

One of the most popular vertical search features on the web is image search index. What’s really remarkable, however, is how little has changed in the core technology approach to the indexing of multimedia over the last decade. When I was the head of product at FAST back in 1999, we launched the web’s biggest […]

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