DuckDuckGo Now Supports Instant Answers In French, German, Czech & Polish Languages
Now you can get 9 million answers in French, German, Czech & Polish from DuckDuckGo.
Barry Schwartz on February 17, 2015 at 11:45 am | Reading time: 1 minute
DuckDuckGo, the small and upcoming search engine, announced that their instant answers are supported in four new languages.
DuckDuckGo claims they can provide instant answers for around 9 million different queries and now they are supported in the following four languages, outside of just English. The new languages include French, German, Czech and Polish. DuckDuckGo said you will see these new answers automatically if your web browser is setup to prefer any of these languages or you can change your language on the DuckDuckGo settings page.
DuckDuckGo promises more language support in the near future, with Spanish and Russian coming really soon.
Here are screen shots of sample answers in German and Czech:
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