Google issue sent Search Console redirect error notifications; Google will fix issue
You can safely ignore this notification if you received it over this past weekend.
Over the weekend, an internal issue caused Google to send out Search Console notifications about redirect errors. Google confirmed those emails were sent due to an internal issue and the notifications were not sent due to any website issue.
Bug confirmed. Google confirmed the issue on the Search Console Twitter account:
The email. Here is a sample of what the email looks like. It reads, “Coverage issues detected on domain. Search Console has identified that your site is affected by 1 Coverage issues: Top Errors. Errors can prevent your page or feature from appearing in Search results. The following errors were found on your site: Redirect error. We recommend that you fix these issues when possible to enable the best experience and coverage in Google Search.”

When you clicked on “Fix Coverage Issues,” Google would take you into the Search Console Coverage report, directly drilled down into the Redirect error statuses page:
More screenshots of this issue. Here are some more screenshots of this issue shared on Twitter:
Why we care. Just to be clear, if you received this notification, you do not need to take action. Google will fix the coverage report in Search Console and the redirect errors should go away. Google will likely notify us when the report is fixed.
If you receive this error in the future, you probably want to address it. But if you received this notification over the past weekend, you can likely safely ignore the notification.
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