Google Places Graphical Ads On Search Results Page
I reported at the Search Engine Roundtable on a WebmasterWorld thread that shows Google is showing a graphical ad for the search jason bourne. I spun the article at our new Sphinn site, and Danny Sullivan commented that Google has tried this once before. His NBC Scores Graphical Ads/Promos On Google article from when he […]
I reported at the Search Engine Roundtable on a WebmasterWorld thread that shows Google is showing a graphical ad for the search jason bourne.
I spun the article at our new Sphinn site, and Danny Sullivan commented that Google has tried this once before. His NBC Scores Graphical Ads/Promos On Google article from when he was at Search Engine Watch coves Google trying a similar Google format for the Olympics.
Also, Universal, Google Team for ‘Bourne’ Promo from AdWeek last week provides more details on how how Universal Pictures and Google have joined up to promote The Bourne Ultimatum.
It is also important to note, the ad is not labeled as a sponsored result.
Postscript From Greg: Even though this appears something of a replay of a previous ad campaign, it’s probably also a foray into the longer-term introduction of “richer format” ads on results. This possibility was introduced by Marissa Mayer in her remarks during Google’s Universal Search press briefing.
I would imagine we’ll see testing over the next few quarters of a variety of display ad presentations, maybe including video.
Postscript From Barry: A Google spokesperson contacted me saying, “Google is continually testing ways of providing users with opportunities to access Google products and the blue box around the Bourne Ultimatum is an example of that.”
Postscript 2 From Barry: See our update: “Google Promotion” Now Used To Flag Google’s Bourne Ultimatum Video Ads.
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