New LinkedIn feature to boost your content visibility
Coming soon: You will get to choose which type of content is shown first in the Activity section of your LinkedIn profile.
You will soon be able to highlight what type of content appears in the Activity section of your LinkedIn profile.
Why we care. LinkedIn continues to add helpful tools and features for marketers and content creators. This change, while minor, is another small way to help increase the visibility of your content, which hopefully can help increase your presence on LinkedIn, expand your professional network (connections/followers) and ultimately help grow business or advance your career.
What is changing. You will get to choose which content type your Activity section shows first:
- Posts
- Videos
- Images
- Newsletters
- Articles
- Documents
What it looks like. Here’s a GIF of what this will look like:

The green, highlighted tab is what will show first for people who view your profile.
When the change will roll out. LinkedIn said this will be available to all members in the “next few weeks.”
LinkedIn’s announcement. You can read it here. It recaps several other recent updates, including the LinkedIn SEO change we reported earlier this month in LinkedIn now lets you add an SEO title and description.
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