smx-logo-ko Online | March 2025

Master Class Instructor Resources

Thank you for leading an SMX Master Class, live online in March 2025! We look forward to delivering an exceptional audience to you and your fellow instructors.

We've compiled some resources below to help showcase your involvement and spread the word about the event.

PowerPoint Template

When you're ready to create your presentation, please download our newly-updated SMX PowerPoint template, featuring helpful tips and reminders.  

Event Description

Feel free to use this description to promote your class on your website or social profiles:

Join me for my live SMX Master Class, [YOUR MASTER CLASS TITLE], online [YOUR MASTER CLASS DATES]! This two-day training experience will equip you with actionable tactics you can implement immediately to drive measurable results... and in-depth live Q&A will address your specific queries and curiosities. Learn more at [YOUR MASTER CLASS LANDING PAGE]!

Check your email for messages from [email protected] about your specific Master Class, including class dates and your landing page URL to include in the above template.

Sample social posts

Feel free to use this templated post to promote your class on your favorite social channels:

Join me for my live #SMX Master Class, [YOUR MASTER CLASS TITLE], online [YOUR MASTER CLASS DATES]! We'll tackle [TOPIC 1, 2, 3], and have tons of time for Q&A. Learn more and secure your spot today: [YOUR MASTER CLASS LANDING PAGE]! [Feel free to add in relevant hashtags based on your class topic: #GA4 #SEO #PPC #GEO etc.]

Additional images

Download and share these official logos and images on your website or social feeds:


Check your email for a personalized image featuring your Master Class from [email protected].

Have any questions?

Email [email protected] for more information!

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