Google Local One Box Details Removed From Web Search Listings
Was it a bug or a feature change? Google no longer shows local data in the main search results snippets.
Google has stopped showing the local details of a business on the left-hand side, within the search results snippet, when a search has local intent. In the past, if you searched for a local business by name, Google would show the address, phone number, map pin and more local details under the first search result listing on the left-hand side. This was in addition to showing the local box on the right-hand side of the page.
Now, if you do that search, that local data doesn’t come up. We emailed Google about this yesterday but still have not heard back if this is a bug or feature user interface change. This seems to be a global change in the Google search results, with Mozcast showing that the local one box results are completely dropped out.
Here are pictures from Mike Blumenthal showing the before and after.
Before, you’d see the local results on the left side on the main search listing:
Now, that is completely gone:
Again, we have asked Google for an explanation on why it was removed and will update you as soon as we hear back.
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