Google Place Actions Rich Snippet Markup Documentation Posted & Then Removed From Developer Portal
Google's book an appointment, place an order or make a reservation rich snippet markup was available on Friday but then removed over the weekend.
In August, Google began testing booking appointments directly from the local search results box. Then Friday, December 4, Google released the developer documentation on how to add this structured markup to your page to add what Google calls “Place Action rich snippets” to your site, to enable searchers to “place orders, make appointments and complete reservations.”
The documentation was live on Friday, but some time over the weekend, it disappeared from the developer docs again. Well, the links to the pages were there, but the pages themselves return a “page not found” status code, like they did in late November, when Google was getting ready to release them.
The Google cache has copies of both the Provide Local Business Information and Place Actions pages in the developer docs, but again, that is currently the only way to get to them.
We are not sure if Google removed them intentionally or if it was an accident.
I have also copied the cache versions, just in case those go offline, as well.
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