Cameron Jonsson

Cameron Jonsson


About Cameron Jonsson

Cameron Jonsson is a seasoned online media executive with a hands-on approach to building interactive products, as well as creating and managing online campaigns that brings SEM, Display, Mobile and Social into a coherent digital strategy. He is the founder and Managing Director of Jonsson Media Group, a boutique digital advertising agency.

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Cameron Jonsson's latest articles

Google Analytics

Retargeting Tips For Highly-Regulated Advertisers

“Should or should I not include retargeting in a media plan?” is a regular question asked by clients. Although it is a fantastic technology and when used properly can drive huge results — clients are often oversold and promised the world — and it is ever so difficult for them to cut through the clutter. […]


3 Considerations For Successful Lead Generation With Search & Display

More and more companies are building large online lead generation campaigns to drive inbound leads to their growing sales forces. Delivering a high volume of leads can prove to be just as important to companies as building a very targeted campaign. Often, those two goals are contradictory to one another. But by paying attention to […]


Why The Search Engines Still Need Display

Search ad revenues remain the driving force behind the big search engines, Google and Microsoft’s Bing. However, the rise of display advertising and the threat of “new” competitors in the display arena, such as Facebook, are causing the search engines to scramble for a way to get a bigger piece of the display pie. While […]


Why Targeting Makes The Case For A Larger Ad Budget

Search and display can easily be classified as two separate industries, yet the crossover and interactions between them are substantial. Advertisers navigating the marketplace have the challenge of choosing where to spend their money, but due to the amount of data available to them via cookies tracking individuals wherever they go, and the ease of […]


How To Make A Great First Impression With Ad Copy + Landing Pages

A good referral may still be the best way to find a consumer driven business. However, with more and more decisions being made online, it is increasingly important for marketers to manage their client’s images. Outside of reputation management, there’s an opportunity for a first impression to be made in paid search ads; but advertisers […]

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