Shirley Tan

Shirley Tan


About Shirley Tan

Ms. Tan has more than 20 years of experience as a retail/wholesale and e-commerce executive. As an expert in e-commerce, with hands on experience managing all aspects of retail online marketing, Ms Tan gives ecommerce tips and adviseon her blog She advises small to mid-size businesses on how to plan like larger organizations and how to set up your business to sell.

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Shirley Tan's latest articles

Are You Losing Money With Poor Internal Site Search?

In my last article, Search Marketing is a Game of Resources, I shared with you how improving your site’s conversion rate and profitability is essential if you want to compete in search engine marketing. The ecommerce businesses with the resources and money are much better positioned to compete for organic and paid positions, and their […]

Search Marketing Is A Game Of Resources

A lesson I learned many years ago (the hard way), is that the “free traffic” from organic rankings (SEO) is anything but free. Even something as basic as rewriting your vendor’s product descriptions to create unique content takes time – or you have to pay someone to do it. And if you’re getting traffic, you […]

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