Simon Heseltine

Simon Heseltine


About Simon Heseltine

Simon Heseltine is the Vice President of Audience Growth at Trader Interactive, a leading provider of digital marketplaces for vehicles (Including CycleTrader, RVTrader, CommercialTruckTrader, EquipmentTrader, Trade-a-plane, plus several others). He was one of the first columnists on Search Engine Land in 2007, writing primarily about in-house search marketing, and has won several industry awards for his expertise in managing teams at previous companies (AOL, ForRent).

Simon Heseltine's latest articles


Don’t Panic – Plan For Disaster

If you’ve been in business for any length of time, you know all about the “hit by a bus” scenario. What happens when key members of your team leave? Is there knowledge sharing among the team? Can your business function effectively while you scramble to find a replacement, and if it truly is a “hit […]


The IT Group: Friend Or Foe Of In-House Search Marketers?

The battle lines are drawn. On one side stands our plucky heroine: the redheaded stepchild of the corporation, the search marketer. Armed only with her knowledge and expertise, she stands, all alone. On the other side stand the massed hordes of the IT department. Armed with their “best development practices,” their coding standards documentation, and […]


Education Is Vital For In-House Search Marketers

Education is very important to in-house search engine marketers—it’s the only way you can hope to keep up with the scrappy entrepreneurs who are constantly pushing the envelope with new tactics and techniques. There are many routes that you can go to get your education, but you should understand that in a constantly changing field, […]


When In House Should Work With Search Engine Marketing Agencies

While the ideal for in-house search marketing is to perform all tasks related to search marketing internally, the reality is that there are times when help is needed from outside sources. There are several reasons for this, but when it does happen, the prime motivator should be that the relationship between the company and the […]


Managing Search Marketing Campaigns With Social Media Tools

Social media tools such as blogs, wikis, podcasts, videocasts or vlogs, social networks, etc, are proving to be a great way for businesses to spread a corporate message, to improve their branding and to support a myriad of other external communication requirements. But what about their use as internal communication tools? How can the In-House […]


How To Hire A Search Marketing Team Leader

When you make the decision to build an in-house team to manage the search marketing function for your company, the biggest challenge that you’ll face is where to actually find the first person that will be the one to create and mold your in-house team. Do you want to hire an experienced search marketing person, […]


When To Bring Search Marketing In-House

As with many other areas of the business, the decision to ‘make or buy’ applies to the search engine marketing function. Whether you decide to go with an outside agency, or develop and train a dedicated in-house team depends on whether search is considered a core component of your business. The SEMPO State of Search […]

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