Stoney deGeyter

Stoney deGeyter


About Stoney deGeyter

Stoney deGeyter is author of The Best Damn Web Marketing Checklist, Period! and CEO of Pole Position Marketing, a leading web presence optimization firm since 1998.

Stoney deGeyter's latest articles


The World’s Quickest (Authentic) SEO & Marketing Audit In 12+1 Steps

I am, according to those who know me, a very structured person. In order to function, I have to live by spreadsheets, task lists and processes. Without them, I’m lost. It’s just life. Isn’t everyone like that? But despite my obsession with structure and process, I don’t like giving clients a one-size-fits-all web marketing campaign. […]


How To Overcome Your Client’s Expectations Of Impossible Results

There isn’t much I dislike about Web marketing, but dealing with clients whose expectations don’t align with reality has to top the list. While many might gripe and complain that the client “just doesn’t get it” (often a true statement), the client’s absence of reality often has more to do with the marketing team than […]


4 Ways To Avoid An SEO Disaster Of Monumental Proportions

I made a mistake. It was a classic SEO blunder. Don’t judge me — it was one that you (and almost every other SEO) has probably made as well. What did I do? I allowed a client to sign a contract without fully vetting them first. I didn’t ask the right questions, and I wasn’t […]

Analytics & conversion

How To Lose Wait On Your Website By Increasing Page Load Speeds

Almost three years ago, Google announced that it had begun factoring site speed into their ranking algorithm. Since then, SEOs have debated how significant an effect page speed has on actual search engine rankings. While Google may be using it as a signal, it’s clearly not an overwhelming signal. Still, regardless of the algorithmic weight page speed has […]


6 Easy Ways To Improve Your Site’s Navigation

Just about every website has some form of navigation. Unfortunately, not every website’s navigation is good. Most of the time, a website’s navigation is put together by Web designers who know a lot about making pretty websites, but very little about marketing a website or creating a website built for the customer. Just because your […]

Google algorithm updates

10 Ways To Create Engaging Content For Action

Many organizations rely on a website to be their #1 sales tool. They pour thousands of dollars into building just the right website with a great design, robust shopping cart and plenty of bells and whistles. At some point in the website building process, they might think about the content that goes on the website. […]


Forget Reading! Web Content Is Meant To Be Skimmed

There are a lot of different schools of thought on how to develop website content that is “just right” for search engines and customers alike. Everyone has his or her own idea of what the perfect amount of content is. Unfortunately, we still hear people saying that any content is too much! The argument goes […]


When Small Businesses Shouldn’t Act Like A Small Business

I think one of the most significant problems small businesses have when it comes to growth is that they maintain a small business mindset. Now if you’re one of those that likes being “mom and pop,” then this article isn’t for you. On the other hand, if you’re a small business owner that has big […]


Managing Your Small Business Blogging Schedule

I’m not a blogger—I just play one on the Internet. There are a lot of professional bloggers out there. I’m not one of them. Like many small business owners that also happen to blog, I have to find ways to balance my time between the demands of running a business and pushing out information that […]


10 Useless SEO Worries (Part 2)

Small businesses are often left in the dark when it comes to which SEO strategies really work and which don’t. Online there is an onslaught of information freely available online, much of it contradictory. Small business owners who attempt to perform SEO for themselves are often left wondering “What strategies are more important than others? […]


10 Useless SEO Worries (Part 1)

I often feel sorry for small businesses. I do. Too often they don’t have the funds, time, or resources to investigate things as thoroughly as they should. Unlike larger businesses with deep pockets, small business can’t hire first-rate, high-end SEOs to do all the right things for them. All too often they have to rely […]


The Power Of Branding For Small Business, Part Two

People often associate brands with money. And lots of it. Generally, if you try to run a branding campaign such as you see from big companies like Target, you certainly will have to fork over a big chunk of change. But we small business owners don’t have that kind of money. And from my examples […]


The Power Of Branding For Small Business, Part One

More and more I’m discovering the necessity of helping our customers brand themselves in the search sphere. In the past, we often felt that some clients just didn’t need to be branded in the search results. Maybe because they were smaller clients or didn’t have a nationally recognized name. But then how do companies become […]

Analytics & conversion

Don’t Obsess Over Superficial Details

Ever see one of those movies that show some super-secret government agency with plush high-tech interior offices that belie the exterior location? You know the ones I’m talking about. The secret spy base in headquartered in a rundown part of town in a dilapidated building that nobody but a squatter would give a second look. […]


Can Small Businesses Really Afford SEO?

Lately, around the Pole Position Marketing office, we’ve been discussing the cost involved in providing top quality search engine optimization. All too often we find value added services or strategic improvements that require more time than initially anticipated. How much additional value can we provide without increasing fees? While those questions continue to be bantered […]


Stepping Stones Of User Conversions: A Step-By-Step Guide

Let’s face it, in a world where almost every conceivable metric of analyzing your website traffic is available to you, the only metric that really truly matters is conversions. Click through rates, page views, time spent on site, number of pages read, entrance and exit points, abandonment; all of these metrics are fantastic, but if […]

Link building

100,000,000 Ways To Invest In SEO

There are over 200 signals analyzed by search engines, creating an endless combination of tactics and strategies that can be employed to achieve exposure, rankings, and—by far the most important—conversions. To successfully deploy these tactics and strategies, however, requires a tremendous investment of time. To say that SEO is a full time job is a […]

Link building

The Ranking Roller Coaster Cause And Effect

There are many reasons why your site might lose search engine result rankings. Some of those reasons can be traced to a particular fault while others just occur in the natural course of life. In essence, rankings change because change happens. But understanding what causes typical loss of rankings can give us a better insight […]

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