Vanessa Fox

Vanessa Fox


About Vanessa Fox

Vanessa Fox is a Contributing Editor at Search Engine Land. She built Google Webmaster Central and went on to found software and consulting company Nine By Blue and create Blueprint Search Analytics< which she later sold. Her book, Marketing in the Age of Google, (updated edition, May 2012) provides a foundation for incorporating search strategy into organizations of all levels. Follow her on Twitter at @vanessafox.

Vanessa Fox's latest articles

How Feedburner Adds Up Subscriber Numbers

Last Saturday, there was a gasp of collective horror in the blogosphere as FeedBurner subscriber stats plunged for many sites. Today, it’s happened again. Don’t panic! Your subscribers are probably all still there, with Google Reader to blame for the missing numbers. Below, our comprehensive guide to how FeedBurner compiles subscriber stats explains all, today’s […]

Changes At Natural Language Search Company Powerset

Big management changes are going on at Powerset, which has received much attention for its potential in using natural language processing for search. Barney Pell, who has been CEO at Powerset, posted today in his blog that he is transitioning to CTO, that Steve Newcomb, who had been COO, is leaving the company, and that […]

Rumors of Impending Facebook Music

Facebook already has taken on LinkedIn, as the past-college crowd has started using it for professional networking, and starting next week, Facebook may take on MySpace’s hold on the music scene. Rumors abound that Facebook Music will be announced at ad:tech in NY next week. Word is that Facebook is in discussions with major music […]

Social Networking Through Search: Hakia Helps You Meet Others

Hakia, a natural language search engine, has just added a new spin to search: social networking. Their new Meet Others feature lets you connect with others who are searching for the same things you are. Since Hakia processes queries differently than old school search engines such as Google, you aren’t just matched up with people […]

Microsoft’s Web Analytics Product Project Gatineau Now In Private Beta

The Microsoft adCenter blog has announced a private beta of their web analytics program: Project Gatineau. The blog entry notes that features include: Click and visitor tracking reports Marketing campaign reporting and conversion tracking Unique demographic and geographic information from your site visitors If you want to try it out, you can request an invitation. […]

Consolidating Sitemap Files With Google

Mickey Kataria has posted on the Google Webmaster Central blog that if you can verify ownership of multiple sites, you can consolidate the Sitemap files for those sites and either combine the URLs from those sites into one Sitemap or create separate files for each site, but store the files in one location. Previously, any […]

Yahoo! 360 Quietly Slips Away

Yahoo! has decided that their blogging and social networking platform, Yahoo! 360, is a failed experiment, and they’re pulling the plug. The news comes via Techcrunch, which noted that Jerry Yang announced it in a blog post on October 16. The Yahoo 360 blog explained the shut down in more detail. As Techcrunch points out, […]

Google Seattle Celebrates A Birthday And Opens A New Office

Steve Yegge, an engineer at the Google Kirkland office, recently posted to the Google blog about the Kirkland office’s third birthday. He also announced the opening of an engineering office in Fremont. Both locations are in the Seattle area — Fremont is just north of downtown and Kirkland is across the floating bridge on the […]

Google Goes Dark For Lights Out San Francisco

On Saturday, Google went dark in San Francisco. No, it didn’t lose a data center. It simply turned the home page black for the day to support Lights Out San Francisco. The change from white to black wasn’t to actually conserve energy, as Google has determined this doesn’t reduce energy consumption. Rather it was a […]

Facebook Opens Application Pages to Indexing By Search Engines

Last month Facebook made user profiles available to everyone — including anyone not logged in to Facebook and search engines. Today it announced it was opening up the application directory and application “about” pages. In terms of privacy, this means that if you comment on an application anyone can see that comment, although anyone not […]

Flickr Wants To Show You The World Through Pictures

At Web 2.0 Summit this week, Flickr previewed a feature that will provide a new way to browse photos based on geographic location. They are making over their map explorer and introducing new Places Pages that will make it easier to see what’s going on around the world through pictures. The current map explorer lets […]

Google News Launches Facebook Application

Google News has announced a Facebook application that allows users to specify custom topics to receive news about from within Facebook. When you add the application, you can choose from a predefined set up topics (that Google News calls “news sections”) or you can enter keywords. This seems to work the same way as a […]

Live Blogging: SMX Social Media – Social Media Marketing Essentials

I’m live blogging Search Marketing Expo Social Media. I see that Kim Krause Berg is also live blogging this session for Search Engine Roundtable, so now I feel all this competition with her. (Eric Lander at Search Engine Journal also live blogged it, as did aimClear Blog, so the competition is really heating up now.) […]

Google Logo Celebrates Luciano Pavarotti’s Birthday

In honor of Italian tenor Luciano Pavarotti’s birthday, Google has replaced the “l” in their logo with with a cartoon Pavarotti singing (opera, one would assume, although maybe it’s a Britney Spears cover). Pavarotti’s Wikipedia has already been updated to note the honor. The Google logo links to a search for “Luciano Pavarotti“, which returns […]

Live Blogging: Microsoft Searchification Day 2007

I’m sitting at the Microsoft conference center for Searchification Day. We’re within walking distance from the Googleplex, where I was for Google Searchology Day just a few short months ago. Searchology was all about Google’s unveiling of universal search, and interestingly, today could be seen as Live’s answer to that. As Nathan Buggia, Product Manager […]

Spock: People Search With A Man + Machine Approach

Last week, I wrote about the overall people search landscape, which, while not new, has been recently expanding and making full use of all that is shiny Web 2.0. Spock is the latest of these services to leverage social networks, intelligent web crawling, and community involvement. Spock launched in private beta in April, then in […]

Surveying The People Search Landscape

Can you imagine trying to sort through billions of web pages without a search engine? Inconceivable! They make it easy and fast to find information. Now how about finding one of the six billion people on the planet. Where’s the Google of people search? As it turns out, an entire industry of people search engines […]

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