Google gives new look for trending now section of Google Trends
The new design fits more trending keywords and gives you a nicer and more actionable interface to do your research with.
Google rolled out a new look for the trending now section on Google Trends. This new look fits more trending queries on the page and gives it all in a nice list view interface.
What you see. This new trending now page shows you when the phrase began trending, the search volume, trend breakdowns and a chart. It also has nice filtering options across the top, to filter by country, timeframe, trending status, and relevance. Plus you can export to CSV, your clipboard and an RSS feed.
What it looks like. Here is a screenshot of what it looks like now:
Why we care. A lot of SEOs, content managers and reporters use Google Trends for keyword ideas and content ideas. This new interface can make it easier for you to research content ideas and topics to cover on your site.
Personally, I never use Google Trends to decide what to write or not to write. Instead, I write what I think my readers want to hear about. Of course, I cover the super niche topic of Google Search, so maybe I am not a good example here.
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