Google Maps adds more ways to add or edit locations
Google Maps now lets users add, change, supplement and check the details for venues listed on Google Maps in a new way.
Google announced there are now more ways to make additions and changes to the Google Maps data. Google is letting users edit venue locations, add new venue locations and make edits or verify edits to the data about venues on Google Maps.
Here are some screen shots of the new features rolling out.
Here you can suggest an edit to a specific venue in Google Maps:
Here is how you add a new venue to a location, if the venue is missing:
You can also contribute new data or knowledge about a specific venue by clicking on the “know what features this place has” link. Here is an animated GIF of the process. Note that it currently only works on Google Maps for Android:
Finally, you can view suggested edits and features other added and confirm them or adjust them yourself. Here are screen shots of how that works:
Google is hoping this will help improve the data they see on Google Maps, while having the community offer the checks and balances when it comes to manipulation and spam.
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