More Hardcore A/B Testing: V2 Of The Free AdWords Script
After sharing a testing script last month, columnist Daniel Gilbert reviewed feedback and used it to make improvements.
Last month, we shared an AdWords Script to let you test anything and received countless examples of people using this creatively for PPC success. Based on your comments and feedback, we’re now sharing version 2, which is even better!
The script has added statistics functionality, emailing you immediately when your test has significant results for click-through rate (CTR) or Conversion Rate (CR). It can also cope with Shopping campaigns — which the native AdWords Campaign Experiments can’t even touch.
It still works in the same way: you make two copies of your campaign, and pause the original. (That means both tested campaigns have no history or built up quality score, which could skew the results.) One copy you label the “Control” and leave alone. The other you label as “Experiment” — this one gets changed with whatever it is you’re testing.
New Shopping Campaign Capabilities
If you want to test Shopping campaigns, it’s the same: copy a campaign twice and label the variants “Shopping Control” and “Shopping Experiment.” That wasn’t possible in the first version of the script, as AdWords Scripts treats Shopping campaigns separately from Search/Display campaigns.
Don’t worry if you’re not using Shopping campaigns. At the top of the code, just set shoppingLabelA and shoppingLabelB as blank, and the script will only look at your Search/Display campaigns.
Then, set up the script to run every hour. If you’ve not done this before, here’s how:
In AdWords, click on “Bulk operations” in the sidebar, then click “Scripts” or “Create and manage scripts” to get to the Scripts page. Hit the red “+ SCRIPT” button to create a new script, then copy and paste in our code, changing the variables at the top as required.
You’ll need to name the script (something like “A/B Testing Tool”) and click “Authorize now” so that the script can run. Then, hit “Close” so you get back to the main Scripts page, and click “+Create schedule.” Set the frequency to “hourly” and save.
There are a few variables to change at the top of the Script:
- campaignLabelA and campaignLabelB are the labels for the Search/Display campaigns you’re testing. If you’re only testing Shopping campaigns, set these to “”.
- shoppingLabelA and shoppingLabelB are for Shopping campaigns. If you’re only testing Search/Display campaigns, set these to “”.
- confidenceThreshold is used for the statistical testing. We suggest leaving it as 0.95, which means you get an email when there’s a 95% chance the campaigns are statistically different.
- reportDate is the date range for the statistical checking; if it’s LAST_30_DAYS, the statistics tool will check the performance of the campaigns for the past 30 days (not including today).
- And finally, so you can get emails about the statistics, add in your email address(es) in emailRecipients. You can have multiple emails here (separate with a comma), or you can set this blank if you don’t want any emails at all.
Once you’ve done all of the above, leave the script to do its magic. Make sure you pause and unpause the two campaigns on alternate schedules, so both get roughly equal traffic. You can see the results of the test in the Dimensions tab, under Campaign Labels.
But on top of this, the script performs a statistical two-tailed test whenever it runs: as soon as the difference in performance between your control and experiment is statistically significant, you’ll get an email to let you know. If you want to do this manually, you can always use our free statistical relevance calculator.
We love testing here at Brainlabs, so this tool is critical for our PPC success. We’ve used it to test time of day/day of week bidding for one of our clients and found it increased conversions by 9%. And, we’ve used it to test highly localized socio-economic bid modifiers, which increased conversion rate by 21%.
Please mention it in the comments if you find success, too!
NB – Once you actually have a statistically relevant result for either CTR or CR, you’ll get an email every hour, which is slightly irritating. This can be fixed by adding another Label and excluding it from the emails — we’ll tackle this in V3 if there’s significant demand. You can also modify the script to report on different metrics if they are more important to you.
/** * Brainlabs A/B Testing Tool with Statistical Relevance Calculator * * This script will pause and activate campaigns and shopping campaigns every hour. * The script will calculate the statistical relevance of the results and email * if a sufficient confidence is achieved. * * Version: 2.0 * AdWords script maintained on **/ function main() { //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~// //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~// //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~// //The A/B testing // Labels used for the Search/Display campaigns being tested // Leave as blank, "", to skip var campaignLabelA = "Control"; var campaignLabelB = "Experiment"; // Labels used for Shopping campaigns being tested // Leave as blank, "", to skip var shoppingLabelA = "Shopping Control"; var shoppingLabelB = "Shopping Experiment"; // The confidence levels at which to reject the null hypothesis for the trials // Set to a number between 0 and 1 // We recommend 0.95 var confidenceThreshold = 0.95; // Date range over which to take data for statistical relevance calculation // Choose from TODAY, YESTERDAY, LAST_7_DAYS, THIS_WEEK_SUN_TODAY, LAST_WEEK, LAST_14_DAYS, // LAST_30_DAYS, LAST_BUSINESS_WEEK, LAST_WEEK_SUN_SAT, THIS_MONTH, LAST_MONTH, ALL_TIME var reportDate = "LAST_30_DAYS"; // People who will be alerted when statistical significance is achieved // Separate multiple recipients with a comma // Leave blank, "", top skip sending emails var emailRecipients = "[email protected]"; // e.g "[email protected], [email protected]" //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~// //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~// //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~// var campaignCTR = { campaignType: "campaigns", metricA: "Impressions", metricB: "Clicks", rateName: "CTR", testName: "campaign CTR", labelA: campaignLabelA, labelB: campaignLabelB, confidenceThreshold: confidenceThreshold, reportDate: reportDate, }; var campaignConversionRate = { campaignType: "campaigns", metricA: "Clicks", metricB: "ConvertedClicks", rateName: "conversion rate", testName: "campaign conversion rate", labelA: campaignLabelA, labelB: campaignLabelB, confidenceThreshold: confidenceThreshold, reportDate: reportDate, }; var shoppingCTR = { campaignType: "shoppingCampaigns", metricA: "Impressions", metricB: "Clicks", rateName: "CTR", testName: "shopping campaign CTR", labelA: shoppingLabelA, labelB: shoppingLabelB, confidenceThreshold: confidenceThreshold, reportDate: reportDate, }; var shoppingConversionRate = { campaignType: "shoppingCampaigns", metricA: "Clicks", metricB: "ConvertedClicks", rateName: "conversion rate", testName: "shopping campaign conversion rate", labelA: shoppingLabelA, labelB: shoppingLabelB, confidenceThreshold: confidenceThreshold, reportDate: reportDate, }; var objects = [campaignCTR, campaignConversionRate, shoppingCTR, shoppingConversionRate]; //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~// //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~// //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~// //date info var days = [31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31]; var date = new Date(); var timeZone = AdWordsApp.currentAccount().getTimeZone(); var month = parseInt(Utilities.formatDate(date, timeZone, "MM"), 10) - 1; var dayOfMonth = parseInt(Utilities.formatDate(date, timeZone, "dd"), 10); var hour = parseInt(Utilities.formatDate(date, timeZone, "HH"), 10); var year = parseInt(Utilities.formatDate(date, timeZone, "YYYY"), 10); if(leapYear(year)) days[1] = 29; var totalDays = 0; for(var i = 0; i < month; i++){ totalDays += days[i]; } totalDays += dayOfMonth; Logger.log("Day of year: " + totalDays); Logger.log("hour: " + hour); //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~// //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~// //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~// var campaignTypeArray = []; for(var i = 0; i < objects.length; i++){ if(objects[i]['labelA'] !== '' && objects[i]['labelB'] !== ''){ if(campaignTypeArray.indexOf(objects[i]['campaignType']) === -1){ enable_pause(objects[i], totalDays, hour); campaignTypeArray.push(objects[i]['campaignType']); } } } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~// //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~// //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~// for(var i = 0; i < objects.length; i++){ if(objects[i]['confidenceThreshold'] >= 0 && objects[i]['confidenceThreshold'] <= 1){ objects[i]['results'] = allStats(objects[i]); objects[i]['confidenceLevelData'] = calculation(objects[i]['results']); objects[i]['confidenceLevel'] = objects[i]['confidenceLevelData']['confidence']; Logger.log("Experiment: " + objects[i]['testName'] + " Result: " + objects[i]['confidenceLevel']); } } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~// //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~// //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~// var accountName = AdWordsApp.currentAccount().getName(); var emailSubject = "AdWords - " + accountName + " - A/B test results"; var emailBody = "The A/B tests in the AdWords account " + accountName + " have statistically significant results:\n\n\n"; var trigger = 0; for(var i = 0; i < objects.length; i++){ if(objects[i].hasOwnProperty('confidenceLevel')){ if(objects[i]['confidenceLevel'] >= objects[i]['confidenceThreshold']){ trigger = 1; // Create properties for the campaign group with the better rate winnerStats(objects[i]); emailBody += "The test for " + objects[i]['testName'] + " shows statistically significant results. "; emailBody += "The null hypothesis - that the control and experiment have the same rate - can be rejected "; emailBody += "with " + percent(objects[i]['confidenceLevel'], 2) + " certainty. "; emailBody += "The winner is campaigns labelled with \"" + objects[i]['winner']['label'] + "\" which have "; emailBody += "a " + objects[i]['rateName'] + " of " + objects[i]['winner']['rate'] + ". "; emailBody += "The loser is campaigns labelled with \"" + objects[i]['loser']['label'] + "\" which have "; emailBody += "a " + objects[i]['rateName'] + " of " + objects[i]['loser']['rate'] + ".\n\n"; } } } if(trigger === 1 && emailRecipients !== ''){ MailApp.sendEmail(emailRecipients, emailSubject, emailBody); } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~// //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~// //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~// } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~// //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~// //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~// // Reporting functions /** * Returns stats for campaign experiment type * * @param object campaignExperiment the object housing the details * @return object the results */ function allStats(object){ var results = {}; results['control'] = getStats(object, object['labelA']); results['experiment'] = getStats(object, object['labelB']); return results; } /** * Returns stats for campaign experiment type * * @param object campaignExperiment the object housing the details * @param object the results * @return object the results */ function getStats(object, label){ var campaignType = object['campaignType']; var date = object['reportDate']; var metricA = object['metricA']; var metricB = object['metricB']; var results = { metricA: 0, metricB: 0 }; var iterator = eval(objectIterator(campaignType, label)); while(iterator.hasNext()){ var object =; var stats = object.getStatsFor(date); results['metricA'] += eval("stats.get"+metricA+"();"); results['metricB'] += eval("stats.get"+metricB+"();"); } return results; } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~// //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~// //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~// // Management functions /** * Determine which campaign group has a better rate once statistical significance has been established * * @param object campaignExperiment the object housing the details */ function winnerStats(campaignExperiment){ var controlRate = campaignExperiment['results']['control']['metricB']/campaignExperiment['results']['control']['metricA']; var experimentRate = campaignExperiment['results']['experiment']['metricB']/campaignExperiment['results']['experiment']['metricA']; var controlRatePercent = percent(controlRate, 2); var experimentRatePercent = percent(experimentRate, 2); if(controlRate >= experimentRate){ campaignExperiment['winner'] = {label: campaignExperiment['labelA'], rate: controlRatePercent}; campaignExperiment['loser'] = {label: campaignExperiment['labelB'], rate: experimentRatePercent}; } else{ campaignExperiment['loser'] = {label: campaignExperiment['labelA'], rate: controlRatePercent}; campaignExperiment['winner'] = {label: campaignExperiment['labelB'], rate: experimentRatePercent}; } } /** * Returns true if leap year, false otherwise * * @param int year the object housing the details * @param boole is current year a leap year */ function leapYear(year){ return ((year % 4 == 0) && (year % 100 != 0)) || (year % 400 == 0); } /** * Will pause or enable campaigns based on labels * * @param object campaignExperiment the object housing the details * @param int totalDays the number of days since Jan 1st * @param int hour the hour of the day */ function enable_pause(campaignExperiment, totalDays, hour){ var campaignType = campaignExperiment['campaignType']; var labelA = campaignExperiment['labelA']; var labelB = campaignExperiment['labelB']; if(totalDays % 2 === 0){ if(hour % 2 === 0){ EnableCampaigns(campaignType, labelA) PauseCampaigns(campaignType, labelB) } else{ EnableCampaigns(campaignType, labelB) PauseCampaigns(campaignType, labelA) } } else{ if(hour % 2 === 0){ EnableCampaigns(campaignType, labelB) PauseCampaigns(campaignType, labelA) } else{ EnableCampaigns(campaignType, labelA) PauseCampaigns(campaignType, labelB) } } } /** * Produces string which can be passed to eval() to create an iterator object. * Allows dynamic creation of iterators for different types of object. * * @param String campaignType the type of iterator to produce e.g "campaigns" or "shoppingCampaigns" * @param String label for filtering * @return String Correctly parsed AdWords iterator object */ function objectIterator(campaignType, label){ var iterator = "AdWordsApp." + campaignType + "()"; iterator += ".withCondition('LabelNames CONTAINS_ANY " + '["' + label + '"]' + "')"; iterator += ".get();"; return iterator; } /** * Pause all campaigns of specific type which have a specific label * * @param String campaignType the type of campaign to change * @param String label for filtering */ function PauseCampaigns(campaignType, label){ var iterator = eval(objectIterator(campaignType, label)); while(iterator.hasNext()){ var object =; object.pause(); } } /** * Enable all campaigns of specific type which have a specific label * * @param String campaignType the type of campaign to change * @param String label for filtering */ function EnableCampaigns(campaignType, label){ var iterator = eval(objectIterator(campaignType, label)); while(iterator.hasNext()){ var object =; object.enable(); } } //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~// //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~// //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~// // Statistical analysis functions /** * Return a confidence level for rejecting the null hypothesis that the two sets of * results are not statistically distinguishable. Takes an object of the form: * * var results = { * control: {metricA: xxx, metricB: xxx}, * experiment: {metricA: xxx, metricB: xxx} * } * * @param Object results the data to analyse * @return Object outcome the confidence for rejecting null hypothesis */ function calculation(results){ var e1a = results['control']['metricA']; var e1b = results['control']['metricB']; var e2a = results['experiment']['metricA']; var e2b = results['experiment']['metricB']; var e1r = e1b/e1a; var e2r = e2b/e2a; var p1_p2 = Math.abs(e1r-e2r); var p = (e1b+e2b)/(e1a+e2a); var se_p = Math.sqrt(p*(1-p)*((1/e1a)+(1/e2a))); var z = p1_p2/se_p; // The confidence for rejecting the null hypothesis var rejectNullConfidence = normDist(z); // The range of values at the null hypothesis rejection confience level var top = topInverse(rejectNullConfidence); var bottom = bottomInverse(rejectNullConfidence); var outcome = {confidence: rejectNullConfidence, top: top, bottom: bottom}; return outcome; /** * Find the top and bottom limit of the range. Within parent function * scope to take advantage of closure. Referencing variables: p1_p2, se_p * * @param float cdf the number to parse as a percentage * @return string the range bound */ function topInverse(cdf){ return percent(p1_p2 + baseInverse(cdf) * se_p, 2); } function bottomInverse(cdf){ return percent(p1_p2 - baseInverse(cdf) * se_p, 2); } } /** * Parse number as percentage with dec digits after the decimal point * * @param float x the number to parse as a percentage * @param int dec the number of digits after the decimal place * @return string the parameter number parsed as a percentage string */ function percent(x, dec){ return Math.round(x*100*Math.pow(10,dec))/Math.pow(10,dec) + "%"; } /** * The inverse of the CDF * * @param float cdf the CDF for the normal distribution * @return float the CDF inverse */ // Inverse confidence level function baseInverse(cdf){ return normal_cdf_inverse(1-((1-cdf)/2)); } // Source: function rational_approximation(t) { // Abramowitz and Stegun formula 26.2.23. // The absolute value of the error should be less than 4.5 e-4. var c = [2.515517, 0.802853, 0.010328]; var d = [1.432788, 0.189269, 0.001308]; var numerator = (c[2]*t + c[1])*t + c[0]; var denominator = ((d[2]*t + d[1])*t + d[0])*t + 1.0; return t - numerator / denominator; } // Source: function normal_cdf_inverse(p) { // See article above for explanation of this section. if (p < 0.5) { // F^-1(p) = - G^-1(p) return -rational_approximation( Math.sqrt(-2.0*Math.log(p)) ); } else { // F^-1(p) = G^-1(1-p) return rational_approximation( Math.sqrt(-2.0*Math.log(1.0-p)) ); } } // Source: function erf(x) { // constants var a1 = 0.254829592; var a2 = -0.284496736; var a3 = 1.421413741; var a4 = -1.453152027; var a5 = 1.061405429; var p = 0.3275911; // Save the sign of x var sign = 1; if (x < 0) { sign = -1; } x = Math.abs(x); // A&S formula 7.1.26 var t = 1.0/(1.0 + p*x); var y = 1.0 - (((((a5*t + a4)*t) + a3)*t + a2)*t + a1)*t*Math.exp(-x*x); return sign*y; } /** * Find the CDF from the normal distribution * * @param float z the z-score of the distribution * @return float the CDF */ function normDistCDF(z) { var cdf = (0.5 * (1.0 + erf(Math.abs(z)/Math.sqrt(2)))); return cdf; } /** * Parse CDF as a confidence level * * @param float cdf the CDF for the normal distribution * @return float the confidence level */ function normDist(z){ return 1-2*(1-normDistCDF(z)); }
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