The Google Drive Domains Find New Home: GDrive Coming Soon?
Gary Price reports that Google has recently moved and from third party domain name servers to Google domain name servers. Is this a sign that the GDrive (Google Drive) is coming soon? Back in September, we reported that was moved to Google’s name servers and anticipated that the GDrive was coming soon, […]
Barry Schwartz on November 6, 2007 at 8:49 am | Reading time: 1 minute
Gary Price reports that Google has recently moved and from third party domain name servers to Google domain name servers. Is this a sign that the GDrive (Google Drive) is coming soon?
Back in September, we reported that was moved to Google’s name servers and anticipated that the GDrive was coming soon, but it did not. Google did release a paid extra storage solution in August for Gmail and Picasa users, but this was limited to just more space in those applications.
The long-rumored and leaked GDrive is expected to enable users to upload any file to Google’s servers, access it from anywhere, and possibly provide a computer backup solution for anyone.
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