Casie Gillette

Casie Gillette


About Casie Gillette

Casie Gillette is the Sr. Director of Digital Marketing at KoMarketing, a B2B online marketing firm based in Boston, MA. She has been in the search industry for twelve years and loves all things Internet-related.

Casie Gillette's latest articles

How to prioritize SEO tasks by impact

How do you know if the SEO and content changes you're making will benefit your site? Contributor Casie Gillette looks at ways to prioritize resources so they impact your bottom line and support your business objectives.


Moving your SEO program beyond discovery

As search engine optimization (SEO) professionals, we want to help new customers discover our clients' businesses -- but columnist Casie Gillette reminds us that being there for the customer after they've already discovered us is just as important.

5 SEO Tactics To Kick-Start The New Year

If you’re like most people, you’ve probably already checked out for the year. Clients are out of the office, you’re on vacation, and 2015 contracts have already been signed. There’s nothing left to do but close that computer, put on your slippers, throw a log on the fire, and hibernate until January 2nd. Or…keep that […]

3 Common Challenges Facing All SEO Managers

Anyone managing an SEO program, either in-house or for a client, knows there are a multitude of challenges. In fact, at SMX East back in October, Mark Munroe gave us this hilarious quote applying Murphy’s Law to SEO: It’s true! Just when you think everything is perfect and things couldn’t be better, something inevitably changes. Such […]

8 Tools To Effectively Organize Your Link Building Campaigns

One of the most difficult parts of a link building campaign can simply be staying organized. Between gathering contact information, sending messages, making phone calls, reading responses, providing content… there’s a lot that goes into it! Plus, let’s be honest — a lot of things can go wrong when you aren’t organized. You don’t want to […]

5 Bad Link Building Habits To Break Now

For those who have been in the SEO industry for a while, you may remember the glory days of link building — you simply submitted your site/article/address/name, etc., and had 100 links within 24 hours. That sure was awesome. Unfortunately, those days are over — yet for many, bad link building habits are lingering. How […]

10 Questions To Ask When Creating A Link Building Campaign

One of the most common questions I hear related to link building is, “Where do I start?” Whether in a blog post or a conference presentation, link building experts often focus on specific tactics when giving advice. The message can sometimes come across as, “Here are some things — go do them, and you’ll be […]

5 Tactics We Used To Build Links Last Month

There are a lot of questions around link building tactics these days, especially when it comes to how companies can actually build links that won’t get them in trouble. In fact, one of the most common questions I hear at conferences and from clients is, “How do you build good links?” The answer, of course, […]

Are You Building Links Or Building A Business?

I think many of us can agree that the great thing about this industry is that it’s constantly evolving and new elements are continuously being added. For example, I love the role social is playing in helping companies connect with customers and the effect it has on search (links, mentions, content generation, etc.). However, I […]

Turning Old Content Into New Links

It’s no secret that in order to build good links, you typically need to build good content. The problem is creating good content takes time and resources, and after the piece has gone live and been promoted, it’s often forgotten about. What a waste! One great way to put that content to good use and […]

The Intersection Of Search & Social

Search and social are increasingly being used in the same sentence. There are two major trends involving search and social: Social media is being integrated into search results, and people are searching on social networks. What do these trends mean for marketers? At the Social Meets Search: Where Are We Now; Where Are We Going? […]

Up-Close @ SMX West: Time To Think About Life Beyond Google

With algorithm updates happening more frequently than ever and Google continuously working to keep searchers on the result page, companies need to make a conscious effort to broaden their marketing efforts and move beyond Google. In the “Life Beyond Google: Diversifying Your Efforts” session at SMX West 2014, the speakers showed us how to do […]

5 Tips For Working With A PR Firm To Build Links

We’ve talked recently about the overlap of SEO and Public Relations, and as companies continue to shift away from old link building tactics toward more outreach-focused tactics, the landscape becomes even blurrier. While SEO isn’t taking over PR any time soon (or ever, for that matter), we are increasingly working more closely with our marketing […]

Will Link Building Soon Be A Thing Of The Past?

The other day while working on a client proposal, I came to the section about link building and had to pause. While everything we include in a proposal is relevant, strategic, and in my opinion, a good tactic, I wasn’t sure I wanted to position it as link building. As someone who has been building […]

The 7 Types Of People Who Want To Help You Build Links

With so much of link building focused on creating actual relationships these days, the idea that you can build high-quality links without people seems preposterous. Yes, I know there are still things like directories and post submissions but, come on…  a real person has to approve those, right? Building relationships can be tough, but trust […]

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