Cindy Krum

Cindy Krum


About Cindy Krum

Cindy Krum is the CEO and Founder of MobileMoxie, LLC, a mobile marketing consultancy and host of the most cutting-edge online mobile marketing toolset available today. Cindy is the author of Mobile Marketing: Finding Your Customers No Matter Where They Are, published by Que Publishing.

Cindy Krum's latest articles


How To Leave Anonymous Business Reviews In Google+

For a long time, I’ve had some doctor friends complaining to me that once Google Places changed over to the new Google+ format, all their patients lost the ability to leave anonymous reviews (thus hurting their business and their rankings). They asked me what to do; and I, in turn, asked my fellow SEO friends […]


The Challenge Of Getting Mobile SEO Right When Google Is Inconsistent

The Getting Mobile SEO Right, Because Now Google Really Cares session at SMX East had a stellar group of presenters including Google’s Pierre Far, Resolution Media’s Bryson Meunier,’s David Roth and Local Market Launch’s Gideon Rubin. This was a fantastic panel with lots of great information, but there were a few topics that I […]


Keyword Not Provided – Maybe Mobile Is To Blame?

At SMX East yesterday, during the Trends in Mobile Search session, Google announced the addition of cross-device conversion reporting in AdWords and I believe this may be related to the loss of referral keyword data in Google Analytics. The new method of ad attribution helps advertisers understand cross-device and cross browser conversions, and eventually will […]

Google algorithm updates

In-House Mobile SEO — Why Is It So Difficult?

As the growth of mobile charges on, mobile search optimization becomes an increasingly important skill for an in-house SEO to possess. If you are an in-house SEO preparing to delve into the world of mobile search, this article is meant to explain what you should know before you begin. Mismatched Data Makes Mobile SEO Harder […]


Mobile Site Configuration & The Vary HTTP Header

Yesterday, Google announced more changes to the Google mobile search algorithm, which we can expect to roll out shortly. This update is intended to improve the search experience for mobile users by “address[ing] sites that are misconfigured for smartphone users” — presumably by improving mobile rankings for sites that have been optimized according to their […]


WAP Search is Dead! Long Live WAP Search

If you are a technophile, an online marketing specialist or a mobile marketer it can be easy to forget that a large part of your target market might not own a smartphone. This can be especially true if your demographic is broad reaching, and includes the upper and lower ends of the age spectrum (those […]


When & How Is The New Smartphone Bot Affecting Search Results?

Even though Google has launched a smartphone bot to improve mobile search results and the user experience on smartphones, it doesn’t mean that everything in mobile SEO has changed. Google is still detecting what handset users are searching from, and adapting the results that they send based on the handset; some phones are set up […]


Smartphone Vs. Mobile-Only Google Indexing

The new smartphone crawler that Google has launched works cleverly by caching mobile redirects and potentially mobile pages too, but letting the desktop page rankings carry the day. In theory, as long as you have strong rankings for your desktop pages on mobile phones, then your mobile pages should soon be benefiting from those rankings, […]

Paid social

Mobile Social Strategy With Platforms You Already Know

You actually don’t have to be a mobile expert to do mobile marketing. Believe it or not, you actually don’t even need mobile-specific technology to do mobile marketing. You just need to be creative and use existing mobile platforms—especially social networks—to distribute your mobile marketing message. One of the coolest things about mobile social networking […]

Google algorithm updates

The New Mobile SEO: What You Need To Know

Mobile search engines have different bots and algorithms than those used for traditional web search. They evaluate your website as if it was being rendered on a mobile phone, and they rank results partially based on how well the page will render on the type of phone that submitted the query. If you look in […]

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