Cambodia Calls Google Maps “Misleading” Over Thailand Border Dispute
Cambodia blasts Google map of disputed Thai border from Reuters reports Cambodia is the latest country upset with Google over how they draw the border on Google Maps. Cambodia’s prime minister, Hun Sen, wrote a letter saying Google was “radically misleading,” “professionally irresponsible” and “devoid of truth and reality.” Cambodia and Thailand have military on […]
Cambodia blasts Google map of disputed Thai border from Reuters reports Cambodia is the latest country upset with Google over how they draw the border on Google Maps. Cambodia’s prime minister, Hun Sen, wrote a letter saying Google was “radically misleading,” “professionally irresponsible” and “devoid of truth and reality.”
Cambodia and Thailand have military on the disputed border for over three years now. So this letter was clearly a political move by Cambodia. But Cambodia and Thailand are not the only countries to have such disputes and call in Google Maps as proof or lack-there-of.
In fact, did you know, Google will change borders when you go to localized versions of Google Maps? For example, compare Google India Maps to Google Maps and you will see the border lines are different.
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