Google brings back emojis in the search results snippets for relevant queries
Google has brought back displaying emojis in the search results when the query thinks it is relevant.
Google has confirmed with Search Engine Land that they have brought the ability for emojis to be displayed in the search results listing page.
In June 2015, Google removed emojis from showing up in the results after promising to disable them over webmaster abuse.
Well, I guess Google had a change of heart and wants them to show up for queries related to emojis.
A Google spokesperson told us they added it back when emojis are relevant. “We have added a feature to our snippets to feature emojis where relevant, useful and fun,” Google told us. “You’ll see them crop up across various snippets moving forward,” Google said.
So if you search in Google for emojis, Google will show emojis. For example, my query for [google display emojis] has search results that display emojis in the listings:
But if I search for [google panda], our [panda page] is listed, but even though the title tag has a panda emoji, it doesn’t show in the search results listings.
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