Google To Phase Out Old Keyword Tool In Exchange For New Version
If you try to access Google’s external keyword tool, you may notice that you are sent to the new keyword tool Google began offering in September 2009. A Google spokesperson told me that they are now encouraging users to use the new tool over the old tool and have decided to direct a portion of […]
If you try to access Google’s external keyword tool, you may notice that you are sent to the new keyword tool Google began offering in September 2009. A Google spokesperson told me that they are now encouraging users to use the new tool over the old tool and have decided to direct a portion of those users to the new tool.
I asked Google if they plan on phasing out the old tool. Google told me that the old tool is still available from the new tool via a link at the top right that reads, “previous interface.” Google told me they do plan on phasing out the old tool for the new tool, but would not give me an estimated date for that to occur. It is my understanding that Google wants to wait to hear any feedback prior to making that decision.
The new external keyword tool is still available to any user, without a login required, but there is an immediate captcha that is required before you utilize the tool. There was an captcha on the old tool as well.
Here are screen captures of the new and old tool:
New Tool:
Old Tool:
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