Google To Begin Reviewing Paused Ads In AdWords

Starting September 6, AdWords advertisers can get ads through the Google approval process even if they’re immediately paused after creation. Google is beginning a new practice worldwide under which it will review paused AdWords ads, as well as active ones, the company confirmed. The change seems to be aimed at allowing advertisers to set up […]

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Google Adwords Square LogoStarting September 6, AdWords advertisers can get ads through the Google approval process even if they’re immediately paused after creation. Google is beginning a new practice worldwide under which it will review paused AdWords ads, as well as active ones, the company confirmed.

The change seems to be aimed at allowing advertisers to set up campaigns and creative in advance of particularly busy review periods — the winter holidays and other seasonal events come to mind — so they know the ads that start running will be able to continue. When only active ads were reviewed, one always ran the risk of having to change ads if they were disapproved. “JezC” at AdWords Help Experts first noted the change, after receiving an e-mail notification from Google.

The e-mail said the change was undertaken to “eliminate unnecessary delays in getting your ads approved and to ultimately enhance your experience with Google AdWords.”

A Google spokesperson confirmed that the new review policy would affect all customers in all regions. New paused ads will be prioritized for review, and existing paused ads will be reviewed next, the company said in the e-mail. The change comes ahead of the busy holiday advertising season, allowing advertisers to set ads up in advance, and get them approved, before they’re set to actually begin.

About the author

Pamela Parker
Pamela Parker is Research Director at Third Door Media's Content Studio, where she produces MarTech Intelligence Reports and other in-depth content for digital marketers in conjunction with Search Engine Land and MarTech. Prior to taking on this role at TDM, she served as Content Manager, Senior Editor and Executive Features Editor. Parker is a well-respected authority on digital marketing, having reported and written on the subject since its beginning. She's a former managing editor of ClickZ and has also worked on the business side helping independent publishers monetize their sites at Federated Media Publishing. Parker earned a master's degree in journalism from Columbia University.

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