SearchCap: The Day In Search, October 26, 2012
Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. From Search Engine Land: Verisign Blames Google For Drop In Domain Registration & Renewal Rates The number of new domains being registered, and existing domains being renewed, is slowing down and Verisign — the company […]
Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web.
From Search Engine Land:
- Verisign Blames Google For Drop In Domain Registration & Renewal Rates
The number of new domains being registered, and existing domains being renewed, is slowing down and Verisign — the company that operates the .com and .net domain registries — says Google is a main reason why. On the company’s Q3 earnings call yesterday, Verisign shared the following data related to domain registrations and renewals: total […]
- Sorry, Microsoft Surface Users: No Google Search App For You
Got a shiny new Microsoft Surface with Windows RT and want to search with Google? No can do. The Google Search app, billed for being for Windows RT, turns out not to work. Anyone searching the Windows Store for the the Google Search app and using Windows 8 will find it easily, as shown below: […]
- Search In Pics: Pumpkins, Benches & Telsa Model S
In this week’s Search In Pictures, here are the latest images culled from the web, showing what people eat at the search engine companies, how they play, who they meet, where they speak, what toys they have, and more. Google’s Pumpkin Pile: Source: Google+ A Google Bench: Source: Google+ Vote Google Chrome: Source: Google+ Pac-Man […]
- Bing Intros Unique Landing Pages By Match Type
Again following rival Google’s lead, Bing Advertising is introducing the capability to specify different landing pages depending on the match type chosen. The idea is that the change will enable more effective bid management, tracking and changes (pausing and resuming) of keywords at the match type level. This is the latest announcement of efforts aimed […]
- Google Launches “Get Your Google Back” Campaign For Windows 8 Users
Google has launched a Get Your Google Back site to teach new Windows 8 users how to restore or add Google Search to their devices and to get Chrome. It doesn’t help those with Windows RT devices who seem stuck without Google, however. Windows 8 was released today, which means a number of people will find Bing […]
- Keys To Projecting Latent Value In Visitors
One of the most difficult and valuable exercises in quarterly planning is forecasting. Many companies require budgets to be set well in advance, and as a result, analysts often prepare conservative projections in order to remain cautious and not setup their marketing colleagues to under-deliver. The byproduct of conservative projections is more difficult forecasting mid […]
- Video: Searching Bing On Windows 8
Microsoft released a video showing how you can use Bing on a Windows 8 powered device. They call the video, “Search Reimagined” and show off the touch aspects to search, as opposed to how search works currently on Here is the video: Bing on Windows 8: Search Reimagined from Bing on Vimeo. You can […]
- Bing Launched Elections Portal: Filter News By Party, Social Integration, Maps & More
Bing announced on their search blog a new portal for tracking the US Presidential Elections at The portal has some nice search features, such as the ability to filter news sources by your political views. The downside of this news filter is that only specific news outlets are included, such as Politico, Real Clear […]
- Google’s Eric Schmidt Seeks Rapprochement With French Over Proposed Newspaper-Linking Tax
Earlier this month Google, which past French president Jacques Chirac once called an agent of “Anglo-Saxon cultural Imperialism,” threatened to stop linking to French news websites after French publishers and the French government floated a proposal to require the search engine to license their content. Current French President Francois Hollande’s government is essentially seeking to tax Google […]
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Search News From Around The Web:
Applications & Portal Features
- Major Internet Outage Takes Down Dropbox, Google App Engine,
Business Issues
- EmTech: French Minister Says Google Faces Critical Questions Over Copyright, MIT Technology Review
- Brazil’s Google News Boycott Reportedly Only Drops Traffic 5%. Oof., TechCrunch
- Paul Ceglia, who sued Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg for half the company, arrested on charges he forged records, CBS News
Local, Maps & Mobile
- Get a better view of natural geography with Google Maps, Google LatLong
- Google Nexus 10 leaks: Android 4.2, Exynos 5250 (1.7GHz), 2,560 x 1,600 resolution, Engadget
- Google’s Vic Gundotra is posting pics with the Nexus 10 tablet, Android Central
Link Building
Paid Search & Contextual
- Enhanced documentation for selectors and reports, Google Ads Developer Blog
- Google Uses Debt Collectors But Should You Trust Them?, Search Engine Roundtable
- Google: Data From Feedback For Is "Regularly Reviewed", Search Engine Roundtable
- Yahoo! Searches This Week Spike For the iPad Mini, the Final Presidential Debate, How To Keep Fido Warm, and the Top Jeans Brands,
SEM Industry
- Video: SEO Acts Dumb, Playing Google, Yahoo Search Awards & SEO Politics, Search Engine Roundtable
- Worshipping at the Temple of… Danny Sullivan?,
- 6 Months Later: Google Penguin Reactions, Predictions, Tools and Tips, distilled
- Disavow: Getting Out of the Mess We Made & Advice for Starting Fresh,
- Google’s Scraper Algorithm Hits Japanese Content, Search Engine Roundtable
- Google’s Algorithm Timeline Infographic,
- Referrers Missing for Over 80% of iOS 6 Google Searches: The Impact to Paid Search and SEO, Rimm Kaufman
- The 5 W’s of AdWords Ad Extensions – Part II, PPC Hero
Video, Music & Image Search
- A New YouTube UI Experiment, Google Operating System
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