In 2 Years, Google Search Tools & Filters Have Shrunk From 9 To 2
Will Google drop the search tools filters in the near future? We are down to 2 filters from 9 filters two years ago.
Barry Schwartz on April 17, 2015 at 9:18 am | Reading time: 1 minute
Google Search has a feature named Search Tools, the search tools can differ based on your query, but it ultimately lets you filter the search results and refine them to weed out results you do not want to see.
The number of search tools/filters available in 2013 were 9, today we seem to be down to only 2 search filters.
Google Operating System reports that Google has dropped the search filter for “visited pages” this way you can show pages you have not yet visited or not.
Here are screen shots he shared showing in 2013 9 different search filters:
Here is what we are at now, only two search filters:
I wonder when Google will drop the search tools completely from the search results?
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