Advanced techniques for driving conversions in Google Shopping campaigns

Conversion rate is a great indicator of the relevance of your product to the search terms it appears for.

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Visitors to your website come from an investment in search marketing. Failing to convert them is a missed opportunity. Conversion rate optimization (CRO) plays a significant role in ecommerce. Improving your conversion rate from 2% to 2.1%, for example, represents a 5% increase in online sales.

How can you improve your Google Shopping conversion rates? In this guide from Bidnamic you’ll learn about:

  • Ecommerce conversion rate benchmarks, including average, poor and exceptional conversion rates in the major ecommerce sectors
  • Top tips to personally enhance your website for CRO
  • Technologies used by leading ecommerce companies to personalise the shopper experience and drive up conversion rates

Visit Digital Marketing Depot to download Advanced techniques for driving conversions in Google Shopping campaigns.

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Digital Marketing Depot
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