Brian Massey

Brian Massey


About Brian Massey

Brian Massey is the Conversion Scientist at Conversion Sciences and author of Your Customer Creation Equation: Unexpected Website Forumulas of The Conversion Scientist. Follow Brian at The Conversion Scientist blog and on Twitter @bmassey

Brian Massey's latest articles


6 Evolutionary Phases Of The Online Marketer

We online marketers can get a little full of ourselves. Those of us who strive to educate others about our craft can get preachy about the “right way” to bring traffic to websites and optimize that traffic for conversions. However, like those we are educating, we ourselves have evolved (and are still evolving) throughout our […]


TEES Your Visitors For Higher Conversion Rates

We model our online prospects with a number of different funnels, paths, flows and journeys. There is the classic AIDA sales funnel (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action). There is the Brad Geddes search funnel (Awareness, Interest, Learn, Shop, Buy). Joseph Jaffe Flipped the Funnel. Dave Evans added the social cloud to the funnel. For me, it […]


Can You Really Increase Conversions By Decreasing Engagement?

Engagement is a magnetic “measure” of online effectiveness. You might call it an “engaging” metric. This is because it is a nice stand-in when real measures of sales, leads or subscriptions are too difficult to track or deliver disappointing results. “No, we didn’t increase sales, but look at the engagement!” is the mantra. The definition […]


3 Parts Of A Complete B2B Search Landing Page

The ellipsis, or “…” is a written construct that means “you fill in the missing part.” In a quote, it means “something is missing here.” The Chicago Manual of Style states, “Ellipsis points suggest faltering or fragmented speech accompanied by confusion, insecurity, distress, or uncertainty.” Compare this to the period, or “.”. A period says, […]


How To Get Management Excited About Conversion Optimization

As search marketers, your job is to generate traffic. More traffic means more sales. As we become more wise to the math of conversion, we begin to realize that it may make sense to shift some attention away from the unending search for higher click-through rates and toward getting higher conversion rates on our sites. […]


Advanced Landing Page Techniques: Searcher Personas

There are a million rules for search landing page design. You have to optimize the content and decide whether more stuff is better or worse for conversion. But it’s all moot unless your focus is on getting into the head of your customers. Searcher personas are the tool that delivers clarity as you develop ads […]


The Neuroscience Of Search & Conversion

The one thing all of your search traffic brings with it is a human brain. It’s easy to think that our search visitors aren’t coming with any brain at all. How can they possibly decide against what we have to offer? If they weren’t going to take action, why click on the ad? It turns […]


Four Things You Can Do With Inconclusive Split Tests

There is a certain sound a teenager makes when confronted with a choice they aren’t interested in making. It is a sonic mix of indecision, ambivalence, condescension and that sound your finger makes when you pet a frog. It is less committal than a shrug, less positive than a “Yes,” less negative than a “No” […]


Blogs, Volcanoes, & Your Conversion Rate Calculation

The Conversion Rate is calculated as the number of conversions – leads, sales, subscriptions, trials, etc. – divided by the number of visitors to the site from organic search traffic, paid search, referrals, email, etc. Thus, your conversion rate can be improved in two ways: get more of your visitors to convert (the top), or […]


8 Ways Landing Pages Are Like A TV Sitcom

Dan Harmon is the creator of the quirky quirky TV show Community (NBC). Harmon uses a unique circular device he calls an “Embryo” that defines the story arc of every show he writes. It maps the “hero’s journey” of the primary character through his or her 22 minute sitcom quest. It ensures that each episode of his […]


Why Search Marketing Silos Are Conversion Killers

The conversion rate for your site is the number of conversions divided by visitors. Quality traffic is half of the equation (the bottom half). No matter how well optimized a site is, if the traffic isn’t qualified, conversion rates will falter. I recently commented to Chris Robino* of that companies rarely get our conversion […]


Landing Page Battles Of The Flat Foreheaded

If you run into a marketer with a flat forehead, odds are that they have been working on landing pages. Landing pages are are a fantastic conversion tool. Because they are so often tested, we know a great deal about what is likely to work on a landing page. Unfortunately, managers and designers prefer their […]


5 Ways To Jump Ahead In Your Industry

We frequently hear about the consumer brands that dominate their markets. Amazon controls 25% of all Internet commerce. Zappos grew to a billion dollar company in ten years with its Web-friendly business model and rule-breaking culture. But who holds the dominant Internet-driven position in your slice of the economy? Is it you? It could be. […]


Setting Up Your Own Conversion Lab, Part 1

Every marketer needs their own marketing laboratory, that place that they go when they really want to understand something about their audience. This laboratory is their Bat Cave, their Fortress of Solitude. For the next few columns, I’m going to help you setup your own conversion laboratory.

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